
港口名称 HAMBURG/汉堡 港务局 Port Authority of Hamburg
港口代码 DEHXV 地址 Mattentwiete 2 Hamburg D - 20457 Germany
港口缩写 HAM 电话 +49-40 / 37 709 -0
港口类型 Seaport 传真 +49-40/37 709-109
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 info@hafen-hamburg.de
所在国家 GERMANY 网址 www.hafen-hamburg.de
经纬度 53 ° 33'0"N,9 ° 51'0"E
时区 -1:00
锚地 53-59-30N 08-09-42E
泊位吃水 14
海图号 3262
FUEL:ALL GRADES AVAILABLE DRY DOCKS:NUMEROUS FLOATING DOCKS UP TO 52,000 TONS, GRAVING DOCK CAPACITY 320,000 D.W.T. 德国大商港。位于该国北部易北河下游。北距河口约100余公里,临北海,吃水10米的船只可自由出入,10万吨级海轮可候潮出入。距鹿特丹港310海里,至安特卫普港383海里。至勒阿弗尔港467海里,至直布罗陀1622海里,后方与内陆河运网连接,交通极为便利。港区分布在城市西南铁路桥下游的易北河两侧敞开的港池岸,有大小港池约30个,主要港区和港池有南易北河河口之西、易北河南岸的瓦尔特斯豪夫港区,包括瓦尔特斯豪夫、格里申韦尔德尔、石油港池、以及科尔弗利特港池,以装卸石油、木材、散货、集装箱为主,易北河南岸以库赫韦尔德尔港池、开塞尔威廉港池、罗斯港池和奥德港池为核心的西港区和以西南港池、印度港池和汉萨港池为核心的东港区均以远洋、近海班轮为主。雷特港区在西港区以南,包括诺伊霍夫港池、卡特威克港池、布鲁门森德港池、纽霍夫尔运河、汉莎港池等,以供粮食、食油、钾肥、矿石、原油及煤等散货装卸区。哈尔堡港区有南易北河以南的1-4号港池,亦供石油、煤、矿石装卸之用。北易北河北岸港区有巴背港池、格拉斯布鲁克等港池。全港约有泊位300余个,其中可供吃水10-13米油轮停靠的码头10处,25个泊位,供吃水11-14米、装载煤、矿石等船只停靠的码头9处、10多个泊位;供吃水11-13米散装谷物船装卸的码头5处;集装箱码头6处、28个泊位。码头线7.7公里,水深10-14米。汉堡是德国同向世界的海上门户,有300多条航线与世界1100多个港口保持联系;港内有16平方公里的自由港区,也吸引北欧、波罗的海沿岸国家来此中转货物。
The Port of Hamburg is a deep water harbor off the North Sea on the Elbe River in Germany. Calling itself Germany's "Gateway to the World," the Port of Hamburg is the largest port in Germany, the second-largest in Europe, and ninth-largest in the world. Port History Hamburg was born in attempts to fight of invading Vikings in about 825 AD with the building of a moated castle called the Hammaburg. Trading businesses were established in the early 1100s. In 1189, the emperor Frederick I Barbarossa granted a charter authorizing special trade and navigation privileges. In 1662, a shipping convoy system was started, and Hamburg's merchants were the first to be escorted by men-of-war on the high seas. As the Port of Hamburg entered the 20th Century, it built docks and wharves on the Elbe to assure its position as Germany's Gateway to the World. But World War I stopped all progress. It had to give almost all its ships to the Allies as reparation from Germany after the end of WWI. Absorbing nearby Altona, Harburg, and Wandsbek in 1937 made Hamburg Germany's major industrial city. Port Commerce More than 15,000 ships from over 100 countries visit the Port of Hamburg every year. Its roofed warehouse and container terminal are the largest of their kind in Europe. Today, the Port of Hamburg ranks second to only to Rotterdam in Europe. It's the 9th busiest port in the world, with shipments of 134 million tons of goods in 2007. When Germany was reunified, it became the fastest growing port in Europe. Cruising and Travel People don� usually think of Germany's principal port as a tourist magnet, but it has many parks, lakes, and tree-lined canals. About 8 million visitors come to the Port of Hamburg every year, and the Port of Hamburg is Germany's fastest-growing tourism location.