
港口名称 LE HAVRE/勒阿弗尔 港务局 Port Authority of Le Havre
港口代码 FRLEH 地址 Terre-Plein de la Barre B.P. 1413 Le Havre, Cedex 76067 France
港口缩写 OPH 电话 33 2 32 74 74 00
港口类型 城市 ,基本港Deepwater Seaport 传真 33 2 32 74 74 29
港口大小 Large 邮件 internetpah@havre-port.fr
所在国家 法国FRANCE 网址 www.havre-port.net
经纬度 49 ° 30'0"N,0 ° 7'0"E
时区 -1:00
锚地 49-29-00N 00-05-00W
泊位吃水 26
海图号 2990
FUEL:ALL GRADES AVAILABLE, VISCOSITIES FROM 200 SEC TO 3,000 SEC REDWOOD DRY DOCKS:LARGE DRY DOCKS AND FLOATING DOCKS 法国大商港。位于该国西北部塞纳河口北岸,临拉芒什-加来海峡国际航道,北距伦敦208海里,距鹿特丹港229海里,西北距南安普敦109海里,西南距里斯本892海里。港口包括宗合性商港区和油港区两部分。综合性商港区在塞纳河口湾北岸,有堤岸与海湾分隔,船舶从西入港,入港航道水深在海图基准面以下16米,入口处有防波堤合抱,港内又分有潮和无潮两港区。有潮港区有拉芒什港池、塞奥菲尔港池、雷恩港池等,水域面积400公顷,沿边有码头线约4500米,南侧堤岸分布有10个石油泊位,水深10-21米;北侧东段的大西洋码头长800米,有3个深水集装箱泊位,水深12米以上,码头面积25公顷,配有4台40吨集装箱装卸桥。无潮港池由船闸控制,主要港池有彼洛特港池、勒欧雷港池、海洋和运河港池等,码头线总长11500余米,但大多前沿水深较前,仅在有潮港之东船闸内的欧洲码头(1200米),海洋码头(1700米)和佛罗里达码头(1300米)前沿水深较深,前两个码头共有10个集装箱泊位,码头均配有装卸桥、目前正在有潮港池东段扩建集装箱码头。油港在商港区之北的昂蒂费。拉芒什海峡南岸有400米突堤码头;水深26米,有2个泊位,可停靠50万吨级和20万吨级油轮。油港和有潮港区平均潮差6.7米。勒阿弗尔港已有150多条航线连接世界500多港口,是欧洲大港之一,大部分为散货。其中石油进出占60%以上;集装箱吞吐近90万标准箱,为法国首位,也是西北欧十大集装箱吞吐港之一。
The Port of Le Havre is a French seaport on the English Channel about 134 miles northwest of Paris. Port History Until 1517, Le Havre was a fishing village. King Francis I had a harbor built there that year, and Cardinal Richelieu and King Louis XIV enlarged and fortified the port during the 17th Century. Louis XVI had it enlarged to accommodate larger ships in the late 18th Century, and Napoleon III further improved the Port of Le Havre in the mid-19th Century. The Belgian government moved to the Port of Le Havre during World War II after Germany occupied Antwerp and Ostend. Most of the town's buildings were destroyed during the Battle of Normandy. The 17th Century Church of Notre-Dame is one of the few surviving old buildings in the city. Saved from the city's old museum, paintings by Boudin and Dufy are housed in the new museum. Port Commerce The Port of Le Havre was rebuilt after World War II and has been growing since the early 1970s. It's the second major port in France (after Marseille) and is the seaward terminal for deep-draft vessels for Paris. A deep water oil port was opened to the north of Le Havre at Antifer in 1976. While the existing port contains specialized facilities for dry bulks and containers, most cargo traffic imports are crude oil. The port also serves as a ship repair center and ferry service to England and Ireland. The Port of Le Havre has a large industrial zone where oil is refined and where chemical, petrochemical, cement, automotive, and aeronautical industries are located. The industrial zone represents the major source of employment for the lower Seine Valley. The Port of Le Havre is also home to a university and growing tourist traffic. Largest port in France for traffic, the Port of Le Havre is fifth in tonnage moved. In 2005, almost seven thousand ships used the port, transporting 23 million tons of goods. The Port of Le Havre is France's largest container port, moving 2.1 million TEUs in 2005, representing 60% of France's container traffic that year. Further, 40% of the oil that enters France comes through Le Havre. In 2005, the Port of Le Havre handled over 75 million tons of cargo. Of that total, over 45 million tons were oil products. The port handled over 21 million tons in containerized cargo. Cruising and Travel In 2005, UNESCO designated the rebuilt city center a World Heritage Site. Architect Auguste Perret, known in the 20th Century as a �oet in concrete,?was primarily responsible for designing a new city after the war that covers 133 hectares with a unique, open feeling and harmonious, innovative architectural design. The Port of Le Havre is the common port of entry for ships calling at Paris, and most cruise passengers will pass through it on their way to the world's capital of romance. Though it's a historical treasure dating back to the 1500s, its uniqueness comes from the rebuilding after the war. UNESCO recognizes it as an outstanding example of post-war urban planning and innovative use of concrete. It also boasts wonderful art galleries and cafes.