
港口名称 LAEM CHABANG/林查班 港务局 Port Authority of Thailand
港口代码 PGLCH 地址 444 Tarua Road Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 Thailand
港口缩写 LAE 电话 2269-3000
港口类型 Seaport 传真 2672-7156
港口大小 Large 邮件 patonline@port.co.th
所在国家 THAILAND 网址 www.port.co.th
经纬度 13 ° 5'0"N,100 ° 53'0"E
时区 -7:00
泊位吃水 14
FUEL:AVAILABLE 泰国集装箱港。位于该国中部曼谷湾东岸,曼谷市东南方。港外,海路北距是拉差港约5海里,距曼谷港约60海里,南距梭桃邑港约50海里,至宋卡港376海里,至新加坡港791海里,东北至香港约1450海里;后方,有曼谷廊曼国际机场。该港原为曼谷港的集装箱中转港区。曼谷港的湄南河水道因曲折,水深不足,长173米以上集装箱船难以进港,随着曼谷港集装箱装卸量日益增长,也为满足更大集装箱船来曼谷的需要,港方1987年底开始投资20.3亿铢,在此建立集装箱中转港区。有3个集装箱装卸泊位各长300米,水深14米,年吞吐能力60万标准箱,能停靠第3、4代集装箱船码头投入使用,同时建成的还有1个多用途泊位,还计划建2个散粮泊位和1个沿海泊位。港外有锡昌岛阻挡风浪,自然条件优越。1992年2月泰国政府又决定批准该港区独立成港,成为泰国第一国际集装箱专用装卸港。随着该专业集装箱港成立,无疑将大大促进泰国集装箱运输的发展,港口自身的码头装卸设备等进一步发展。港口几乎与北部是拉差港相连。
The Port of Laem Chabang lies on the eastern shore of the upper Gulf of Thailand in Chonburi Province, Thailand, about 110 kilometers south of Bangkok. It is Thailand's largest port and, in 2005, the 20th largest port in the world. Port History In 1948, the government of Thailand realized that the Bangkok port could not meet the long-term economic needs of the country. While they investigated a number of potential locations for a new port, progress was slow. In 1961, they commissioned the Netherlands Engineering Consultants to do a feasibility study, and the company recommended the construction of a new port at Laem Chabang. The advantages they cited were its well-sheltered location, easy dredging, and large area for building port facilities. However, the government did not choose to implement the recommendations at that time. Finally, in 1982, the cabinet decided to develop the Port of Laem Chabang to handle containerized, general, and agricultural cargo and to encourage manufacture of environmentally-friendly consumer goods. With a goal of opening the port between 1987 and 1990, the Eastern Seaboard Development sub-committee was formed, and the Minister of Communications was made responsible for developing deep-water port facilities. The engineering design was completed in 1986, and construction began in the fall of 1987. In 1989, the Laem Chabang Port was brought under the umbrella of the Port Authority of Thailand and private companies were invited to join in port terminal operations. Since the Port of Laem Chabang began operating in 1991, it has become the biggest port in the country and one of the busiest in the world. Much of Thailand's international trade and tourism passes through the Port of Laem Chabang. The town's economy depends on shipping services, tourism, and retail. In 2007, the government approved construction of railways to link the Port of Laem Chabang to inland cities of Lat Krabang and Korat. Port Commerce The Port of Laem Chabang covers an area of over a thousand hectares. It is a multi-purpose port that offers a wide range of services. The Port of Laem Chabang contains seven container terminals, two roll-on/roll-off terminals, general cargo terminal, and multi-purpose terminal. It also contains a shipyard terminal and a passenger terminal. The Port of Laem Chabang can accommodate the extra-large super post-Panamax vessels. The Port of Laem Chabang is a top-rated container port, moving from its beginnings in the late 1980s to the world's 20th busiest port in 2005. The Port Authority of Thailand oversees port operations and is responsible for assuring world-class service capacity; increasing productivity; implementing state-of-the-art technology for docking, field, and yard operations; developing new port projects; and ensuring the port supports associated economic activity. In 2005, the Port of Laem Chabang (in Thai) handled almost four million TEUs of containerized cargo. Today, the Port of Laem Chabang is the gateway to much of Southeast Asia. Cargoes pass through the port to and from southern China, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar. It has its own industrial Export Processing Zone, covering 480 hectares and containing over 50 industrial operations. The adjacent shipyard is being developed to serve and build international ocean-going vessels. The Port of Laem Chabang Cruise Center serves as a terminal for roll-on/roll-off cargo and passengers.