
港口名称 MANILA/马尼拉 港务局 Philippine Ports Authority, PDO Manila/Northern Luzon
港口代码 PHMXA 地址 PNR Building South Harbor Manila Philippines
港口缩写 MAN 电话 527-44-14
港口类型 Seaport 传真 527-44-14
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 ppa_manila@ppa.com.ph
所在国家 PHILIPPINES 网址 www.ppa.com.ph
经纬度 14 ° 35'0"N,120 ° 58'0"E
时区 -8:00
锚地 检疫锚地
泊位吃水 10.9
海图号 3487
(INCL: ROSARIO SEA BERTH: 14-26-00N/120-47-00E) FUEL: THE PHILIPPINE GOVERNMENT CAN ONLY SELL VESSELS SUFFICIENT TO REACH THE NEXT PORT OF CALL DRY DOCKS:1.GRAVING DOCK, 16,000 D.W.T., 2.GRAVING DOCK(SUBIC BAY) 300,000 D.W.T. 菲律宾第一商港。位于该国北部吕宋岛西南的马尼拉湾东岸,紧靠港市。西北至香港720海里东北至中国上海吴淞1117海里,至日本横滨港1750海里,西南至新加坡港1340海里,南至本国第二大港苏务港392海里,至三宝颜港512海里。附近有国际机场。港区沿海岸南北伸展,以巴石河口为界分南北两大港区。北港自巴实河口北岸开始,由陆岸向西伸展8座突堤,但水深较浅,仅供沿海船只停靠。南港在巴实河口以南,陆岸略转东南,5座突堤伸向西南,外有防波堤保护。3号突堤自北而南有4个泊位,泊位线长803米,除第4泊位沿边水深6.5-7.8米外,其它3个泊位水深均达9.4米。第5号泊位突堤有5个泊位,码头线总长825米,除1号和5号泊位水深7.4-8.8米外,其它3个泊位均可达到9.4米。第9号突堤也有5个泊位,码头线长847米,除3号泊位水深达9.4米外,其它4个泊位水深只有7.1-8.8米;第13号突堤有7个泊位,码头长950米,其中3、4、5号泊位水深9.4-9.7米,其它的在8.4-8.8米之间;第15号突堤5个泊位,码头线长888米,1-4号泊位水深均达9.7-10.9米,仅5号泊位水深为7.1-8.8米。以上五突堤总计有26个泊位,码头线总长4340米,均装卸杂货和集装箱。为适应港口集装箱吞吐量的发展,目前在南北港区之间,由巴实河口北岸向西伸展建有大突堤,在北港原防波堤外建设有国际集装箱港区,已有4个集装箱泊位,码头线长986米,前沿水深平均10.4米。除以上公共港区外,在港口西南,马尼拉湾入口东南还有罗萨里奥石油、危险品港区,这里有海上和码头泊位各一个,海上泊位可系泊4.5万吨级船只。80年代末,该港吞吐量已超过3000多万吨,年集装箱装卸为86万标准箱。
Port History The 16th Century Port of Manila was first a Muslim settlement at the mouth of the Pasig River on Manila Bay. In 1570, a Spanish force quickly defeated and made peace with the ruling Muslims. They built a walled city on the Pasig River to protect Spanish colonists. It was proclaimed the capital of the Philippines in 1595. U.S. troops invaded the Port of Manila in 1898 during the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars. After they defeated Spain, they took control of the city and islands. The 1898 Treaty of Paris gave the islands to the U.S. for $20 million, ending Spain's 333 years of rule. On January 2, 1942, Japanese marched into the Port of Manila, ending American rule for a time. In October 1944, General MacArthur kept his promise to return to the islands, and the battle that devastated the Port of Manila also liberated it. The Manila Massacre, where 100,000 civilians were killed by angry Japanese troops, took place before Filipino and American troops could reach the city. The Port of Manila is one of the finest natural harbors in the world, and it was an important trade center as early as the 9th Century when its trading partners included China, Japan, and India. With Muslim occupation, trade with Arabian countries was established, and the Spanish Period brought trade with European and Latin American countries. Port Commerce The Philippine Ports Authority is a government corporation specially charged with financing, managing, and operating public ports throughout the archipelago. The Port of Manila International Container Terminal has an annual capacity of 1.5 million tons, and its container-handling services are world-class. Container throughput is more than 72 thousand tons, and it handles over half of all international containers in the Port of Manila. Cruising and Travel The Port of Manila's old town, Intramuros, retains the old character of the islands. It's located in the central city and a favorite spot for tourists. Home of the Manila Cathedral, Intramuros also holds the 16th Century San Augustin Church built of stone and mortar. Called the �ermanent Miracle in Stone?because it's survived so many disasters, the church is the burial place of Spanish conquistadors.