
港口名称 SAN DIEGO/圣地亚哥 港务局 San Diego Unified Port District
港口代码 USSIO 地址 3165 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101-1128 United States
港口缩写 SDI 电话 619-686-6200
港口类型 Deepwater Seaport 传真 619 686 6547
港口大小 Very Large 邮件
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.portofsandiego.org
经纬度 32 ° 41'0"N,117 ° 7'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 1 号海上浮
泊位吃水 11.28
海图号 2885
FUEL:DIESEL AND BUNKER FUEL DRY DOCKS:CAPACITY 30,000 DISPLACEMENT TONS 美国商港。位于该国西部太平洋岸,潮汐变化,平均1.74米,最大时3.26米。盛行风:西北风和西风6-5节。港口管理当局为圣地亚哥港。电台联系用无线电甚高频16、12、11频道。服务设施有:修船、拖船、燃料舱、排污、干船坞、淡水、汽艇、食品供应、医疗、遣返。年吞吐量:进口77.6万吨,出口101.5万吨。港内有3个杂货和散装货船码头:B钢突堤码头的2号泊位,长213.36米,吃水10.67-11.28米。3号泊位,长121.92米,4号和5号泊位,长304.8米,吃水都为10.67-11.28米。10号大街杂物集散码头的2号泊位,长198.12米,吃水10.67米,3、4、5、6号泊位,总长786.38米,吃水10.67-11.28米。7号泊位,长198.12米,吃水为10.67米。24号远洋货物集散码头:2号泊位,长213.36米,吃水10.67米;3、4号泊位,长304.8米,吃水10.67-11.28米;10、11号泊位,总长426.74米,吃水10.67米。以上的两个集散码头都可用作滚装船的作业,但需用预先安排。在24号大街集散码头有1个集装泊位,长152.4米,吃水10.67米。2个油船泊位,长182.88米,吃水10.67-11.28米,每小时装油1100-1200桶。
An uncongested harbor, the Port of San Diego is almost 100 miles southeast of Los Angeles, just north of the US-Mexican border. The Port of San Diego is a major transshipment center for the region containing San Diego, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, the Imperial Counties, and northern Baja California. Port Commerce The Port of San Diego has two marine cargo facilities, and it owns the B Street Cruise Ship Terminal. Both cargo terminals allow rapid transfer of cargo to rail and highway, and they�e open 24 hours a day. Cargo traffic is increasing as the result of their aggressive international marketing campaign. The 96-acre Tenth Avenue Marine Terminal offers dockside frozen storage, dry and liquid bulk, breakbulk, small-scale container operations, and warehousing. The major inbound cargoes include refrigerated goods, cement, fertilizers, and forest products. Export cargoes include refrigerated goods, breakbulk, and bulk goods. The 125-acre National City Marine Terminal complex is a primary entry point for major Japanese and German automobile companies. The Port of San Diego processes over 250 thousand import and export vehicles. The facility also handles lumber from the Pacific Northwest and export cattle and containers. In 2003, the Port of San Diego National City Marine Terminal expanded, adding space for two additional 700-foot car carrying ships. Cruising and Travel Located on the B Street Pier, the Port of San Diego's B Street Cruise Ship Terminal can accommodate almost 4,000 passengers in its 35 thousand square foot reception and baggage-handling area. The Port of San Diego hosts over 190 cruise ships each year. Visitors can find information about the cruise ship terminal at http://www.portofsandiego.org/sandiego_maritime/cruise/.