
港口名称 SAN FRANCISCO,CA/旧金山 港务局 San Francisco Port Commission
港口代码 USSFO 地址 Pier 1 The Embarcadero San Francisco, CA 94111 United States
港口缩写 SFO 电话 415 274 0400
港口类型 城市 ,驳船港Deepwater Seaport 传真 415 732 0400
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 webmaster@sfport.com
所在国家 美国U.S.A 网址 www.sfport.com
经纬度 37 ° 48'0"N,122 ° 25'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 37-45-00N 122-40-15W
泊位吃水 13
海图号 591
FUEL:AVAILABLE DRY DOCKS:70,000 TONS CAPACITY. 美国海岸商港。位于加利福尼亚州中腰,旧金山湾中段西岸,港市之东岸。东距奥克兰水路3海里,有跨海湾大桥相连,海外至夏威夷火鲁努努2100海里,距横滨4540海里,距上海5400海里,港区分布在旧金山-奥克兰大桥南北,从陆岸向海湾伸展有几十座突堤,多数突堤短而细,两侧只能停靠1-2艘船只,目前不少已改为它用。现用于远洋船装卸的码头有大桥以北的15和17号突堤3个泊位,用于新闻纸进口;19号和23号突堤2个泊位,用于国际杂货贸易;27、29号突堤有3个泊位,用于杂货,有时也用于集装箱船;31、33、35号突堤各有2个泊位,用于杂货,其中35号突堤也用于远洋客船,大桥以南的26号突堤有2个泊位,用于杂货和政府肉类检疫;28号突堤有2个泊位,用于船舶修理;30和32号突堤有3个泊位,用于杂货,有时也用于集装箱装卸;48号突堤有2个泊位。用于新闻纸和纸浆;80号突堤和94-96号突堤为该港集装箱码头,共7个泊位,码头线总长2300米,前沿水深12-13米,码头上配有8台30-40号装卸桥。还计划开发以上两个码头之间的90-92号码头,作为集装箱泊位,配有各4台装卸桥。该港码头虽多,但用于远洋船装卸的泊位,仅30来个,货物装卸200多万吨,主要为旧金山服务。旧金山正式译各应为圣弗兰西斯科。
Port History San Francisco Bay is one of the grandest natural harbors in the world, but the first explorers there came by land. In 1769, a Spanish scouting party was the first group from Europe to see the Bay. In 1775, the Spanish ship, the San Carlos, anchored just inside the harbor. By 1848, the town had just 200 shacks. The discovery of gold brought almost 80,000 hopefuls to the Port of San Francisco by 1851. The 1859 discovery of silver transformed it from a town to a big city, complete with banks, law offices, restaurants, and elaborate hotels. Before World War I, the city hosted the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, a World's Fair celebrating the opening of the Panama Canal. Being a major Pacific disembarkation point in World War II, the city's economy benefited greatly. Well-known for the Beat movement of the 1950s, the city was also a focal point for the love generation of the 1960s and the drug movement of the 1970s. Port Commerce The Port of San Francisco is governed by a 5-member Board of Commissioners appointed by the Major. The Commission manages a 7-1/2 mile waterfront that the Port develops, leases, administers, and maintains. Today's Commission manages more than 550 ground, retail, office, commercial, and industrial and maritime industrial leases, including famous spots like Fisherman's Wharf and the home of the San Francisco Giants, AT&T Park. All types of cargo pass through Port of San Francisco terminals. The terminal has five berths, on-dock rail, many paved acres for cargo staging, 550 thousand square feet of covered storage, cranes for breakbulk and containers, and reefer outlets. In 2007, 75 vessels moved over 1.5 million tons of cargo through the Port of San Francisco. It discontinued container operations in 2005. Cruising and Travel Tourism and cruise travel is a major source of income for the Port of San Francisco. Almost 185 thousand passengers moved through the Port in 2007 on 60 vessels. It's a favorite tourist destination, with world-famous attractions like the Gold Gate Bridge, Alcatraz, China Town and many steep city hills. The Port of San Francisco offers countless art galleries, museums, and many colorful neighborhoods reflecting its ethnic and cultural diversity.