
港口名称 NEW YORK,NY/纽约 港务局 The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
港口代码 USNYC 地址 225 Park Avenue South New York, NY 10003 United States
港口缩写 NYK 电话 212-435-4200
港口类型 城市 ,基本港Deepwater Seaport 传真
港口大小 Very Large 邮件
所在国家 美国U.S.A 网址 www.panynj.gov
经纬度 40 ° 43'0"N,74 ° 0'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 40-27-36N 73-52-24W
泊位吃水 13
海图号 2580
(INCL. BROOKLYN AND KILL VAN KULL) FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:LOA 1,100.00FT, BEAM 140.00FT AND 120,000 D.W.T. 美国东部世界大港。位于纽约州东南与新泽西州交接的海湾内,是个港阔水深终年不冻,潮差仅1.2-1.5米的天然良港。1921年起成为一跨州海港。东至大洋彼岸里斯本2960海里,东南至南非开普敦6790海里,至巴西累西腓3680海里,南经向风海峡至巴拿马科隆城1970海里,有高速公路和铁路向内陆呈肩形辐射,并有管道和内河航道通大湖区,也是世界航空中心之一。港区主要分布在上纽约湾沿岸,哈德逊河西岸,以及西部纽瓦克湾岸等地。属纽约州地界的有:(1)曼哈顿岛西南的哈德逊和东河沿岸码头群。前者有几十座突堤,前沿水深13米,曾长期是横渡大西洋的班轮停靠码头,目前是全港最大客运码头群。还有众多企业所有码头;后者水深11米,第36-42号突堤为杂货装卸码头。(2)长岛西岸的布卢克林集装箱码头群,也有几十座突堤,前沿水深13米,港务局所属码头泊位36个,雷德*霍克集装箱码头和南布卢克林集装箱码头亦分布于此,是纽约港最大的远洋杂货港区;还有众多的企业自备码头,其中石油码头就有5座。(3)斯坦敦北部港区,既有东北纽约第一外贸区沿岸的码头群,又有西北岸的霍兰・霍克集装箱码头。属新泽西州地界有:哈德逊河西岸码头群,即有何宝根沿岸的海运杂货码头,也有波特・西雅津终端的集装箱码头,以及从威豪根到爱德华沿岸的众多企业自备码头。 泽西城码头区,位于上纽约湾西北岸,有10多座突堤,其北部是水陆联运散货码头区,其南部有格洛巴尔集装箱码头。 纽瓦克和伊丽莎白港区,位于纽瓦克湾西岸,有2个各长约2公里的挖入式港池,是全港最大的集装箱港区,特别是伊丽莎白港区,共计有6个集装箱码头,28个泊位,码头线长6公里多,前沿水深11米,码头总面积380公顷,此外纽瓦克港池还有20多个杂货泊位。 巴约尼、阿瑟河两岸,以及纽瓦克西北岸的专用码头区,主要卸石油。全港共计有400多个远洋深水泊位,其中,包括40个集装箱泊位在内的杂货泊位100多个,年装卸货物1.5亿公吨左右。
At the mouth of the Hudson River in southeastern New York State, New York City is the biggest and most influential city in America. Henry Hudson first saw New York Harbor in 1609 and, by 1626, New Amsterdam had been established. Port History In 1664, the British fleet appeared, and the Dutch governor surrendered peacefully. Even then, the Port of New York was already a multi-cultural, multi-racial center. The Stamp Act Congress met there in 1765, and the Sons of Liberty sprang up to fight British excise-tax stamps. The first fight of the American Revolution took place when the Sons of Liberty fought the British on Golden Hill, now the home of City Hall, in 1770. By the end of the 1700s, the Port of New York was the United States?largest city, and it has maintained that position ever since. The Port of New York is famous as an arrival point for millions of immigrants, many of whom stayed in the city to build their new lives. Port Commerce Shipping has always a part of the Port of New York's character, with merchants and shipping dominating local politics and driving growth. From 1830 until the mid-20th Century, the Port of New York was the busiest port in the world. Over the last 50 years, much of its shipping moved to other cities. Most trade shipping now happens in the nearby Newark-Elizabeth port in New Jersey. The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey operates shipping terminals and facilities in both ports, and the Port of New York is the focus for passenger terminals and tourism. Cruising and Travel The Port of New York has world-class cruise ship ports in its Manhattan and Brooklyn facilities. Some of the world's biggest, fastest, and most luxurious passenger ships visit these facilities. Most major cruise lines use the New York Cruise Terminal, which gives visitors quick access to one of the most exciting cities in the world.