
港口名称 NEW ORLEANS,LA/新奥尔良 港务局 Board of Commissioners of the Port of New Orleans
港口代码 USMSY 地址 1350 Port of New Orleans Place New Orleans, LA 70130 United States
港口缩写 NOL 电话 (504) 522-2551
港口类型 城市River Port 传真 (504) 524-4156
港口大小 Very Large 邮件
所在国家 美国U.S.A 网址 www.portno.com
经纬度 29 ° 56'0"N,90 ° 4'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 海上浮附近
泊位吃水 12.2
海图号 3382
FUEL:AVAILABLE BY BARGE OR BUNKER "C" AT AMESVILLE/MARRERO. 美国南部商港。位于密西西比河下游河段东曲处。距密西西比河西南入海口98海里,南距巴拿马科隆城1380海里。西至休斯敦451海里,东至坦帕港471海里,北至巴吞鲁日115海里,远洋船能到达。密西西比河流长6020公里,流域面积322平方公里,贯穿美国中部21个州,并与五大湖水系相通,干支流航道2.5公里,是美国国内运输的大动脉,年总运量5亿吨,新奥尔良是密西西比河流域河流物资的总汇和转运港。港区主要分布在港市大河两岸,上下伸展15海里,港内河道宽600余米,水深12米以上,潮汐最大21英尺、平均13英尺。沿河分布有140多个深水泊位,3/4以上是公用码头,半数以上用于杂货装卸;集装箱滚装船10个泊位,谷物码头10座,还有大量的石油、化工、金属矿产等专用码头泊位。此外,有穿过市区连接大河与旁扎特兰运河沿岸及湖区沿岸的内港区。全港年货物吞吐量1.6亿吨以上,世界级大港之一。主要出口谷物,是世界上最大的谷物输出港,还有大豆、油籽、油饼、豆油、面粉、棉花、煤炭、石油、润滑油、沥青、化工品、木材及其制品机械等。进口糖、糖浆、香蕉、咖啡、橡胶、金属矿产、电工器材、汽车、硬木等。集装箱吞吐还不多,年吞吐能力42.5万标准箱。港口与世界150多个国家和地区2500多个港口有直接联系,每年来港进出的外港船只4500艘以上。
Port History The French established the Port of New Orleans as a trade center in 1718. By 1721, 470 people lived there. Unprofitable for the French, they secretly transferred it to Spain in 1763. It was secretly returned to Napoleon, who negotiated its sale to the U.S. in 1803. At that time, it contained about 8000 people, half of them white and a third of them slaves. The first half of the 19th Century was a golden age of cotton for the booming Port of New Orleans. By 1835, commerce reached $54 million and, in 1840, four hundred Mississippi River steamboats berthed there. By 1850, over 100 thousand people called Port of New Orleans home. Unappreciated by the Confederacy, the Port of New Orleans was occupied by Union troops from the sea in 1862. The early 20th Century saw the end of river steamboats, and the Port of New Orleans was stymied. But the arrival of towboats and barges made it the second largest port in the U.S. after World War II. Petrochemical industries arrived in the 1950s, and oil refineries grew in the 1970s. By the beginning of this Century, the Port of New Orleans thrived, boasting a strong tourist economy. Port Commerce The Port of New Orleans is the fifth largest port in the U.S. by cargo volume and 12th largest by value. The Port of New Orleans welcomes about five thousand ships from almost 60 countries each year, and it handles more trade with Latin America than any other U.S. port. Cruising and Travel Barges and passenger cruises make Port of New Orleans a busy transportation center. Every year, about 50 thousand barges travel the Mississippi River or the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway that meet in Port of New Orleans. In 2004, nearly 800 thousand cruise passengers traveled through the Port of New Orleans. Several world cruise companies are based there.