
港口名称 LOS ANGELES,CA/洛杉矶 港务局 State Tidelands Trust
港口代码 USLAX 地址 425 S. Palos Verdes St. San Pedro, CA 90731 United States
港口缩写 LSA 电话 310 732 3400
港口类型 城市 ,基本港Deepwater Seaport 传真 310 732 0291
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 geninfo@portoflosangeles.org
所在国家 美国U.S.A 网址 www.portoflosangeles.org
经纬度 33 ° 43'0"N,118 ° 17'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 "LA" 进口浮附近
泊位吃水 13.71
海图号 1082
FUEL:UNLIMITED FUEL, ALL GRADES. DRY DOCKS:559.00 FT BY 110.00 FT, 22,000 DISPLACEMENT TONS 美国西部商港。位于加利夫尼亚州南部圣彼得罗湾西北岸,市区之南。北距旧金山港370海里,西距夏威夷火努鲁鲁2230海里,南距巴拿马2910海里。港区东北西南伸展,船舶由西南入港,水域以文森特泰晤士桥为界,分为外港和内港。内港区又有土尔宁池、西港池、东港池之分。按其陆域又以入港航道至西港池一线以西为彼得罗港区,入港航道以东为人工岛港区,东南港池之间为威尔明顿港区。全港在内外港沿岸分布有各种泊位180来个,其中营运泊位140个,远洋深水泊位120多个,大部分前沿水深10米以上,最大水深16米。各种泊位中又以杂货、集装箱泊位最多,有32个深水杂货泊位。集装箱码头有8座、20个泊位,主要分布在西港池西岸和北岸的121、126号泊位、127、129号泊位,130、139号泊位,人工岛北岸的206、209号泊位,216-225号泊位,232、233、236号泊位,新建成的212、213、215号泊位。1990年集装箱处理量已达212万标准箱,居世界第七位,连续两年超过纽约为美国第一位,还装卸木材,橡胶、钢材及其制品、水泥、石油、化工品、化肥等。1990-1991年总吞吐量为7091万吨税收,其中集装箱、杂货3891万吨,液货2761万吨,干散货439万吨,港口当局正在筹建20万吨级的煤、液货深水码头,预计到2000年前后投产,将增加装卸能力2000万吨。洛杉矶为美国西海岸的第一大城市。金融贸易中心。
Port History In 1542, Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo discovered the �ay of Smokes?which continued in pristine state for more than 200 years. In 1771, Spanish mission monks first used the harbor. The first trading ship brought sugar, textiles, and household goods to San Pedro in 1805. California came under United States?control in 1848, when increasing cargo volumes made expansion necessary. In 1869, the railroad brought new development. By 1885, the Port of Los Angeles handled 500 thousand tons of cargo. In 1912 the Port of Los Angeles was dredged to 800 feet wide and to 30 feet deep. Port of Los Angeles growth boomed in the 1920s, when it became the second busiest cargo port in the U.S. Port Commerce During World War II, the Port of Los Angeles was a shipbuilding center, and facilities were converted to commercial use after the war. In the 1980s, the Port of Los Angeles was dredged to 45 feet deep to handle larger ships. Four years later, traffic surpassed two million containers. Global Gateway South, one of the world's biggest and most advanced ocean-rail container terminals was opened in 1997, and the 47-acre Terminal Island Container facility was finished. Just 20 minutes from downtown Los Angeles on San Pedro Bay, the Port of Los Angeles is not supported by taxes but from fees for shipping and port services and property leases to tenants who operate their own facilities. The Port of Los Angeles contains 43 miles of waterfront and has 27 cargo terminals on its 7500 acres handling nearly 190 million tons of cargo every year. Cruising and Travel The Port of Los Angeles boasts the World Cruise Center, the Nation's most secure passenger cruise complex. Its 18-acre area contains two terminal buildings and four passenger processing areas. It has homeport agreements with all the world's major cruise lines. In 2006, 258 cruise ships brought over one million passengers to the Port of Los Angeles.