
港口名称 LONG BEACH/长滩 港务局 Long Beach Board of Harbor Commissioners
港口代码 USLGB 地址 925 Harbor Plaza P.O. Box 570 Long Beach, CA 90801-0570 United States
港口缩写 LGB 电话 562 437 0041
港口类型 Deepwater Seaport 传真 562 901 1733
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 info@polb.com
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.polb.com
经纬度 33 ° 45'44"N,118 ° 11'43"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 LONG BEACH 海上浮附近
泊位吃水 15.24
海图号 1082
FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:LARGE DOCK YARDS AND LARGE FLOATING DOCKS 美国西海岸商港。位于加利夫尼亚南部。太平洋圣彼得罗湾北岸,洛杉矶港之东。港区相连,对内对外交通联系与洛杉矶港相同。北美大陆桥西桥头堡之一。港区分布在港湾人工岛与洛杉矶河之间的陆域突堤和港池区,略呈西北东南伸展,船舶主要从东南入港,也可在洛杉矶港航道入港,有运河相同,可分为东南入港,也可在洛杉矶航道入港,有运河相同可分为东南港区,中部港区和北部内港区。东南港区以东南港池为核心,东、西有J、F两突堤环抱,北部有G突堤伸入港池,有20多个泊位。东部除东岸有一个蜜糖泊位外,基本上都有集装箱泊位,计有5座集装箱码头,12个泊位。西部12个泊位,分别为钢铁、干散货、谷物和香蕉泊装卸服务,谷物码头有222.5万蒲式耳(6万余吨)粮仓。中港区在港湾人工岛东南,东南港区之西北,其西和南有从人工岛伸出的海堤保护,又有西、东港池之分。西港池为军用,东港池东南的A突堤为钢铁、木材码头;东北岸南伸的A、B、C、D、E突堤,以集装箱、滚装船泊位14个。北港即内港,有两个东西向大港池,沿边有11个深水公用泊位,另有10多个属石油公司等企业的泊位。全港包括26个集装箱泊位在内的总计有泊位80个,北美西海岸第2位。由于拥有集装箱泊位数量多,将很快超过洛杉矶港,目前它在东南港池J突堤航道一侧正在扩建新集装箱泊位,长滩是洛杉矶东南的一个卫星城市。
The 3200-acre Port of Long Beach was founded in 1911 when the California Legislature gave the City of Long Beach rights to manage and develop the harbor for commerce, navigation, recreation, and fisheries. Port Commerce The Port of Long Beach is a major economic center, providing more than 300 thousand jobs in Southern California. It accounts for about $16 billion in annual trade-related wages for the State. More than $100 billion in trade moves through each year, making the Port of Long Beach the second busiest port in the U.S. And it's the 16th busiest container cargo port in the world. Import goods include clothing, furniture, toys, and consumer electronics and dedicated terminals handle oil, cement, lumber, automobiles, and steel. In 2007, the Port of Long Beach handled more than 7.31 million containers and over 87 million tons of cargo valued at over $140 billion. During that year, 5300 vessels called at port. The Port of Long Beach boasts its environmental program as a model for worldwide ports, and it has put in place many environmental protection initiatives to improve air quality. The City's Long Beach Harbor Department is responsible for developing and promoting the Port of Long Beach. Cruising and Travel The Port of Long Beach is home to the famous Queen Mary luxury cruise liner. Retired there in 1967, tourists enjoy staying at the ship's hotel and visiting the onboard museum. While once an unattractive spot for tourism, the Port of Long Beach has undergone a transformation to a modern tourist resort with many waterfront amusements, including a new high-tech aquarium, art museums, public golf courses, and many quaint shops. It's the sight for the April Grand Prix international race. The Port of Long Beach offers many opportunities for recreation on its 8-mile beachfront. Visitors can even cruise Naples Island in a Venetian gondola.