
港口名称 KEELUNG/基隆 港务局
港口代码 TWKL 地址 No.1, Chung-Cheng Road Keelung Taiwan
港口缩写 KEE 电话
港口类型 Seaport 传真
港口大小 Large 邮件
所在国家 CHINA 网址 www.klhb.gov.tw
经纬度 25 ° 9'0"N,121 ° 44'0"E
时区 -8:00
锚地 见详细说明
泊位吃水 12.9
海图号 15-1029(中)
DRY DOCKS:DEPTH 12.00M FOR VESSELS 100,000 TONS SAME AS CHI LUNG 位于台北市东北基隆湾内,临东中国海。西北距福州马尾150海里,北距温州港196海里,距宁波北仑310海里,距上海吴淞420海里,至青岛港720海里,至大连港855海里,西南至厦门港220海里,至香港475海里,沿岛东至苏澳53海里,花莲90海里,西至台中港120海里,高雄港230海里。        基隆是由东海伸入台湾岛东北内陆的小湾,纵深3.6公里,水域面积约5平方公里,水深10-26米,全港拥有陆域面积750公顷,水域面积452公顷,从入口到大沙湾约1海里为外港,大沙湾以内为内港。码头沿港湾布置,分东西两港区,泊位编号自内而外。西港区有36个泊位,前沿水深除1A、1B、9-12A、18B第16-18,19-21和22-26号泊位是三座集装箱码头,水深9.4米-12.9米;7、8号泊位至香港航线,27-29号泊位为沿海船用,第30-32号泊位为谷物、煤、硫磺等散货码头,30号泊码头建有5.05万吨粮仓;33和33B号泊为石油码头;港外东部11公里的海岸小湾内还有两个25万吨级的浮筒泊位。东港区有22个泊位,水深达8.5米-11.6米,大多数用于散货,其中10、11、号泊位已改成集装箱码头,长620米,水深11米以上。全港总计有58个岸壁泊位,其中包括13个集装箱泊位在内的货运泊位51个,主要工业有纺织、食品、电子、机械、水泥、化肥及化学工业等。港口距桃园国际机场约80km。该港属亚热带季风气候,盛行东风,其次为西北风。年平均气温为19~33摄氏度。每年11~3月为雾季。全年平均降雨量2100mm,年平均雨日135天,最多曾达210天,成为有名的“雨港”。   本港三面环山,港外有社寮、中山、盘桶等岛屿,是一个天然良港。   装卸设备有各种岸吊、门吊、浮吊、集装箱吊、可移式吊、装卸桥、吸扬机、卸货机、跨运车及滚装设施等,其中浮吊最大起重能力达110吨。还有直径为101.6~203.2mm的输油管供装卸使用。油码头可靠3万载重吨的油船,另有单点浮筒,水深达30米,可泊超级油船。集装箱码头可靠第三代集装箱船舶,堆场面积达24.2万平方米,日装卸量达0.5万TEU。1993年货物吞吐量为8639万吨,比 1992年增长1.32%;1994年集装箱吞吐量达204.6万TEU,比1993年增长8.5%。平均每艘船靠泊时间为44小时。基隆港的装船速度连续8年领先于台湾其它港,显示本港的装卸效率多年来保持着优势。       主要进口货物为小麦、石油、煤炭、棉花、机械、圆木及化工品等,出口货物为稻米、水果、木材、水泥、化肥、玻璃、尼龙、电子电器及人造纤维等。在节假日中元旦、劳动节、农历正月1~3日(包括除夕)等一般不工作,其它休假日如果需要加班,要加倍费率。  港口限制   任何船只一经向基隆港无线电站汇报进入,就被认定为是到港船,无论其是否已经到达外围港口。然而,检疫员和海关检查员由于缺少足够的运输工具而不登上位于防波堤外的船只,而存在这种情况的船只除非真的进入了外围港口,否则并不被确认为是到港船。 入港   导航灯指示在航道201°(T)处有暗礁(深6.0米)。船舶在到达距入口处北部2米的位置之前应当一直保持按这个方向行驶。船头应尽量调整以能够通过防波堤或者是165°(T)的航道。海港入口处附近常有强大的水流通过,为了保持航向需要适当调整方向。   基隆港航路的深度在10.5米-12.0米(MLWS)之间。对于船的长度没有限制,但是如果船的长度超过250米的话,他在转弯处调整的余地就会受到限制。   引水   船只到达基隆港应尽快利用高频电话(14频道)通知基隆港控制中心预计到达时间。引水员利用高频电话(12频道)告知船只已到达入口北部2米以内的距离,此时,船舶应当减少其蒸汽的排放量进入港口。检疫员、海关、移民局和外事警察联合到达港口入口进行检查,这些检查通常是在船一靠岸就完成的。   除了停在E11,W18-W24的码头外的集装箱船只(如果长度超过200米)需要2个引水员。汽车运载船(如果超过1500g.r.t)也需要两个引水员。 锚地   基隆港的锚地呈梯形状,其具体的区域范围如下:   北纬25°10´13",东经121° 44´ 12"    北纬25°11´09",东经121° 41´ 50"    北纬25°12´57",东经121° 42´ 23"    北纬25°12´38",东经121° 43´ 46"。    锚地深约45.0米,从防波堤到N.W的距离大约3米。   由于东北季风强大的风力,因此在刮季风期间船舶最好不要停泊在锚地。冬季等待进港的船只要减少蒸汽排放量。   限制   基隆航运控制中心(VTCC)包括基隆港无线电站。任何船只都应事先通过光电信号或者高频电话向基隆无线电站提出申请,并且在收到VTCC的准许进入或离开的信号前,不允许离开港口、起锚航行或停留在港口入口附近。   经引水泊位的船只的停靠时间为7:00-23:00之间,非引水泊位的船只没有时间限制。   最大尺寸   被允许的最大规格是总长度小于900英尺,船只或代理商应在其预计到达前24小时通知港务局。   卫生检疫   可以使用无线电入港许可,同时船只还应告知港务局船上卫生检查许可证号码。船只停靠锚地期间,其入港许可证是被承认的。如果船舶离开上一个传染病疫区到达本港口的时间在5天之内,船只要采取两项措施:对船只进行消毒;对船上的食物、水和人服用的四环素药物进行取样,。 雷达设施   港内不提供海上援助雷达设施。   拖船   港务局拥有16辆拖船(其中包括5辆马力为3200的拖船,4辆马力2800的拖船, 1辆马力为2400的拖船,3辆马力为1600的拖船,3辆马力为360的拖船)。中国石油公司(CPC)在Shen Ao港有2辆马力为3760的拖船。   泊位   如果天气情况允许的话,船只在白天或夜间都可进入船坞。 泊位 长度(米) 深度(米) 备注 东部的泊位       E2 200 9.0 供客船停靠的码头和货船快速分装码头 E3 170 9.0 快速分装码头 E4 185 9
The Port of Keelung is a major seaport city on the north shores of Taiwan. It is part of the Taipei-Keelung metropolitan area and Taiwan's second biggest port. The Port of Keelung's harbor is naturally an excellent one, free of silt and surrounded by mountains. Port History The name of the Port of Keelung (or Chi-lung) apparently derives from �etangalan,?the tribe of native peoples who lived here in the 17th Century. In 1626, Spain occupied the site, building a fort on the island at the harbor's mouth. The Dutch occupied the Port of Keelung from 1642 to 1661 and from 1663 to 1668, but because trade with China was not great, they left Keelung voluntarily. China incorporated Taiwan into the province of Fukien in 1638, stimulating settlement. In 1863, the Qing Empire opened Keelung as a port for trade. Many Chinese settled in the area, and a small town had grown up there by the late 18th Century. By 1840, Keelung was a small port welcoming foreign vessels. In 1860, Keelung was made a treaty port and opened to foreign trade. The Ch�ng dynasty tried unsuccessfully to fortify the old Spanish fort. For two years during the Sino-French War, French troops used the fort. The Japanese occupied the Port of Keelung from 1895 to 1945, developing a modern city. Not only did foreign trade vessels come to Keelung when Taipei's harbor silted over, but a railway system further increased the Port of Keelung's dominance in northern Taiwan. While there, the Japanese filled in parts of the bay, creating a commercial center and limited industry. With plentiful coal and hydroelectric power, the Port of Keelung has continued to thrive since 1945. Industry has grown, with cement and fertilizer industries, some engineering works, and several shipbuilding yards added to the seaport. Where the Japanese made the Port of Keelung a center for export to Japan, it is now largely a center for imports to Taipei. The Port of Keelung is also an important fishing port with fish processing plants. Port Commerce The Keelung Harbor Bureau is responsible for the operations of the Port of Keelung. In 2006, the Port of Keelung handled almost 99.5 million tons of cargo, including 2.1 million TEUs of containerized cargo, on over nine thousand vessels. The port offers 9.9 kilometers of quays ranging from 3.5 to 14.5 meters deep and berthing capacity for 717 thousand tons. Its operational wharf has 7.8 kilometers of quays with depths from 3 to 14.5 meters and berthing capacity for 672.5 thousand tons. The West Coast area of the operational wharf handles passengers, cement, sand and gravel, coal, oil, bulk and general cargo, and containers. With quays of 5.3 kilometers and depths, the West Coast area has berthing capacity for 454 thousand tons. The East Coast area of the operational wharf handles passengers, bulk and general cargo, and containers. It offers 2.5 kilometers of quays with depths to 12 meters and berthing capacity for 218.5 thousand tons. The non-operational wharf is dedicated to military use, service crafts, and Taiwan's Coast Guard. Port of Keelung warehouses contain 6.1 hectares of space with effective capacity for over 138 thousand tons of cargo. Operational warehouses cover 12 hectares in the West Coast Area and 5 hectares in the East Coast Area. Almost 3 hectares are devoted to military and service uses. An additional 40.9 hectares is leased for cement silos with a capacity to store 63 thousand tons, a container freight station covering 7.2 hectares with capacity for 8.7 thousand tons, oil tanks with capacity for 13.5 thousand tons, and general warehouse space covering 22.8 hectares with capacity to store 29 thousand tons of cargo. The Port of Keelung also contains open stacking yards covering 275.5 hectares with effective capacity for 38