
港口名称 EUREKA/尤利卡 港务局 Humboldt Bay Harbor District
港口代码 USEUE 地址 601 Startare Drive P.O. Box 1030 Eureka, CA 95502 United States
港口缩写 EUR 电话 (707) 443-0801
港口类型 Seaport 传真 (707) 443-0800
港口大小 Medium 邮件
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.humboldtbay.org
经纬度 40 ° 48'0"N,124 ° 10'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 距海上灯浮 1.00 海里
泊位吃水 10.67
海图号 3121
FUEL:AVAILABLE 美国商港。位于该国西部太平洋岸,允许进港船只最大吃水10.67米,潮差2.13米。盛行风向偏西北。进港限制:北港最大吃水10.67米,南港9.14米。无修船。小艇、排污和干船坞设施,有拖曳、遣返设施,可供淡水、食品、燃料补给和医疗条件。每年进出口吨位:出口1023163吨。一般货和散装货泊位:奥尔森码头有限公司泊位长182.88米,吃水9.14米,4000000FBM储存;尤里卡木材制品泊位长121.92米,吃水10.67米,15000000FMB LOGS OF 1500000FBM LBR;亨伯特(HUMBOLT)码头和海运公司泊位长114.3米,吃水10.67米,1000FBM LBR 800000FBM LBR仓库;路易斯安那太平洋公司泊位,长304.8米,吃水10.67米,40000000FBM储存;路易斯安那太平洋公司泊位,长349.16米,吃水10.67米;北海岸出口泊位,长384.05米,吃水10.67米;滚装船泊位:路易斯安那太平洋公司泊位,长304.8米,吃水10.67米。油轮泊位:只有回程交货。
Humboldt Bay Harbor in Humboldt County, on the North Coast of California, is a district of recreation and conservation. As known across the world, the bay is not only home to about 200 different species of birds; it is also the state's biggest commercial oyster harvesting site. The harbor is unique in a sense because of its ability and commitment to balance the conservation of the surrounding natural resources and the enhancement of basic commerce. Humboldt Bay is the sole deepwater bay between San Francisco, California and Coos Bay, Oregon and is California's second largest natural bay. For quite some time, Humboldt Bay remained undiscovered due to its negligible adjacency and connection to the ocean. It is connected to the sea through a narrow and relatively treacherous passage. There are three basic divisions and specific facilities found in Humboldt Bay Harbor, namely, the Port of Humboldt Bay, the Resource Conservation and the Woodley Island Marina. Port of Humboldt is touted as the next most important commercial port especially after a previous harbor deepening initiative. The port has always been significant for its role in the facilitation of exportation of the area's main forest products and for its being a good supporting site for wide commercial fishing fleet.