
港口名称 DETROIT/底特律 港务局 Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority
港口代码 USDTT 地址 8109 E. Jefferson Avenue Detroit, MI 48214 United States
港口缩写 DET 电话 (313) 331-3842
港口类型 Seaport 传真 (313) 331-5457
港口大小 Medium 邮件
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.portdetroit.com
经纬度 42 ° 22'0"N,82 ° 59'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 48-18-48N 69-23-24W
泊位吃水 8.23
海图号 424
FUEL:ALL GRADES AVAILABLE 美国港口。位于该国中北大湖区休伦湖连接伊利湖水道西岸。允许进港船只最大吃水8.23米,无潮差。盛行风向西南到东北。船只与港口通讯联系用无线电甚高频16频道和12频道。进港限制:最大船长222.5米。有修船、拖曳、排污遣返设施,无干船坞、小艇,可提供淡水、食品、燃料补给和医疗条件。领事:奥地利、巴巴多斯,比利时、加拿大、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、丹麦、多米尼加、萨尔瓦多、芬兰、法国、德国、危地马拉、海地、洪都拉斯、冰岛、意大利、象牙海岸、日本、朝鲜、黎巴嫩、墨西哥、荷兰、挪威、巴拿马、伊拉克、西班牙、瑞典、泰国、英国。每年进出口吨位约2500万吨。一般货和散装货泊位:集装箱海洋码头,长320米,吃水8.23米;底特律-克拉克码头,长708.66米,吃水8.23米;底特律-鲁日码头,长426.72米,吃水8.23米;尼科尔森-埃科斯(ECORSE)码头,长1036.32米;尼科尔森-苏密特(SUMMIT)码头,长466.34米,吃水8.23米。上述泊位可接纳滚装船和集装箱船。
Located in the port city of Detroit is the popular and highly functional Port of Detroit, which is regulated and mainly administered by the Detroit/ Wayne County Port Authority (DWCPA). The strategic location of Detroit, which is the seat of power and local government of the Wayne County in Michigan, has made Port of Detroit effective in facilitating major port and shipment activities. DWCPA was formed in 1978 as a special-purpose governing authority to bond and fund improvements and basic operations at all ports within Wayne County. Not only is the body a Port of Detroit's quasi-public development authority; it is also a regulator authorized to enter into agreements with private business and to renovate and build facilities across the waterfront in port areas. With the facilitation and effective administration of DWCPA, the Port of Detroit is now one of the state of Michigan's most significant economic engines. It is estimated that annually, the port is able to facilitate shipment of steel of up to 750 thousand tons, helping create an economic impact of more than $189 million in personal income, jobs and taxes. DWCPA aims to further make the aging facility of the Port of Detroit benefit from modernization and upgrade efforts. New equipment would be purchased and installed and new warehouses would be constructed to help make sure the Port of Detroit would stay competitive.