
港口名称 HOUSTON/休斯顿 港务局 Port of Houston Authority
港口代码 USHSO 地址 111 East Loop North (77029) P.O. Box 2562 (77252-2562) Houston, TX 77252-2562 United States
港口缩写 HOU 电话 713-670-2400
港口类型 Seaport 传真 713-670-2429
港口大小 Very Large 邮件
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.portofhouston.com
经纬度 29 ° 45'0"N,95 ° 20'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 1 号海上灯浮处
泊位吃水 11.29
海图号 975
FUEL:ALL GRADES AVAILABLE DRY DOCKS:14,000TON DRY DOCK (LENGTH 400FT) IN SHIP CANAL. 美国南部得克萨斯州大商港。位于该州东南海岸平原,船舶入港由墨西哥湾西北的加尔沃斯顿小湾,经贝敦转经圣杰辛吐-布法罗运河。从贝敦至休斯敦调头塘,运河长25.5海里,航道水深11.2-12.4米,吃水11米海轮能到达市区码头。休斯敦是美国南部的水陆空交通大枢纽,水路至加尔沃斯顿港43海里,至新奥尔良港434海里,至墨西哥坦皮科517海里,至巴拿马科隆城1530海里。港区分布在港市至贝敦25海里的运河沿岸,有100个以上码头,其中近一半为公用码头,其余为炼油厂,化工厂、钢铁厂等厂矿以及粮棉出口公司等企业专用码头。全港有50多个杂货泊位,其中约40个为港务局所有,大部分靠近市区附近的运河岸,约有30个深水杂货泊位。该港的主要集装箱码头却分布在离市区约40公里加尔沃斯顿湾北部的巴尔堡码头,有4个泊位。市区附近目前仅有一个泊位,正在建设第5、6号集装箱泊位。私人杂货码头有:休斯敦码头3个泊位,杰辛吐港码头3个泊位,均有铁路通达。谷物出口码头有5座,即港务局的14、15号码头,可同时各停靠2艘远洋轮,码头上有17.5万吨的粮仓;伊贵特出口公司粮食码头也有同样的设施;哥特帕斯透粮食码头则有30万吨粮仓。谷物码头有粮仓总容量80万吨,为美国第二谷物出口港,矿石码头有7一座,设施先进。石油码头在该港占据第一位,计有70多个供油、原油泊位分布在运河沿线。是世界少数亿吨大港之一,其中国际货物贸易量5680吨。主要出口有谷物、棉花、石油制品、化工品等;进口铁矿石、石油、钢铁、糖、咖啡等。
Port History In 1836, the Battle of San Jacinto won Texas independence, and Santa Anna was captured by Sam Houston's Texican troops. Nearby, the Port of Houston grew slowly due to yellow fever epidemics, but it soon it became a cotton-shipping port. The Port of Houston was a haven for Confederates running Union naval blockades during the U.S. Civil War. Union troops captured nearby Galveston Island briefly. The Port of Houston's first dock was built in 1840, and Buffalo Bayou was widened and deepened in the 1870s. Completion of the Houston Ship Channel in 1914 brought oil refineries in the 1920s and 30s. By 1980, the port was the third largest in the U.S., handling over 80 million tons of foreign, coastal, and canal shipping each year. Port Commerce Authorized in 1927 by the Texas Legislature, the autonomous Port of Houston Authority operates the port. In 2004, the port authority celebrated the ship channel's 90th anniversary. In 2005, the port authority completed a 5-1/2-year plan to deepen the channel from to 45 feet and widen it to 530 feet. Today, the Port of Houston is first in the country for foreign tonnage, second in total tonnage, and tenth in the world in total tonnage. Over 200 million tons of cargo passed through the Port of Houston in 2006, and more than 7 thousand vessels called that year. In 2006, the Port of Houston handled more than 1.6 million TEUs in containerized cargo, and the value of foreign trade was over $100 billion. Cruising and Travel Scheduled to open in 2008, the new Bayport Cruise Terminal will offer unique experiences for cruise travelers who want efficient world-class services before and after their cruise. The Port of Houston terminal will provide the finest modern traveler-friendly amenities available. On the western shore of Galveston Bay, Bayport Cruise Terminal is close to restaurants and hotels and close to both Houston airports, making it an ideal place to disembark.