
港口名称 SINGAPORE/新加坡 港务局 Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA)
港口代码 SGSIN 地址 460 Alexandra Road #19-00 PSA Building Singapore 119963 Singapore
港口缩写 SGP 电话 6375 1639
港口类型 城市 ,基本港Deepwater Seaport 传真 6275 9247
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 qsm@mpa.gov.sg
所在国家 新加坡SINGAPORE 网址 www.mpa.gov.sg
经纬度 1 ° 16'0"N,103 ° 50'0"E
时区 -7:00
锚地 东:(A)01-13-31N/103-53-39E,(B)01-15-36N/103-57-30E;
泊位吃水 16
海图号 2023
INCL. JURONG(01-18-00N/103-42-00E), PULAU BUKOM(01-14-00N/103-46-00E), PULAU AYER CHAWAN, SEMBAWANG(01-27-00N/103-50-00E), TANJONG PENJURU(01-18-00N/103-45-00E) AND SEBAROK(01-12-00N/103-48-00E) FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:400,000 D.W.T. SUPER GRAVING DOCK 新加坡国的世界交通枢纽。位于马来半岛南端,新加坡岛之南岸,临马六甲海峡之东端。东北至马尼拉1340海里,至香港1440海里,至中国的上海2186海里,至日本的横滨2888海里;西南经马六甲海峡南印度洋中毛里求斯至路易港3320海里,至南非的开普顿5633海里;东南至印尼雅加达525海里,至龙目海峡963海里,经托雷斯海峡至澳大利亚的悉尼4220海里,西北至印度的加尔各达1650海里,西至斯里兰卡的科伦坡1567海里。有国际机场。港区包括丹戎帕加-凯佩尔、巴实巴让、裕廊、三巴旺港区以及亚逸楂湾、布孔龙岛等,炼油厂码头。丹戎帕加-凯佩尔是该港的主要港区,也是该港的主港区,也是该港最大集装箱码头区,位于新加坡城之南。丹戎帕加原为东礁船厂所在,70年代初该造为集装箱码头,目前已有13个集装箱泊位(包括支线、滚装船和多用途泊位各一个)。泊位线总长3433米,码头水深10-14米,码头面积121公顷,堆场能力为6万个标志箱,该码头装卸424万标志箱,6464万吨。占该港年总吞吐量436万标志箱的97%;凯佩尔原为该港主要杂货港区,有30多个泊位,随着该港集装箱货不断增长,不得不逐步将佩尔港区的杂货泊位改成装卸码头。从1991年起又将该港区的帝国港池填平为集装箱堆场。并将该港区的东码头第15-18号泊位改成集装箱支线泊位。原杂货码头现只剩了西码头的12个杂货泊位。此外,在该港区东西码头对岸的布拉尼岛也建成新集装箱码头区、计有东西码头对岸的布拉尼岛也建成新集装箱码头区、计有5个干线泊位和3个支线泊位,码头线总长2393米,前沿水深11-14米,全部建成后新增能力380万标志箱,第一干线泊位位于已于1992年1月交付使用,沟通布拉尼港区的四线大桥已与1991年10月通车。巴实巴让港区之间,系1974年填海而成,原为沿海轮和载驳船码头,自凯佩尔港区改为集装箱码头后,那里部分业务转移来此装卸,现已有码头岸线2300米,10多个泊位,包括10个沿海船泊位,3个深水多用途泊位,计划在东西两端再建各两个泊位。裕廊工业港位于该国西南,紧靠裕廊工业区,原已在裕廊河西岸,有码头线2597米,其中2212米是水深8.4-12.7米的泊位,可容纳11艘远洋轮停靠,为扩大该区的装卸能力,目前正在普劳达曼劳特岛新建港区,有8个多用途深水泊位,前沿水深16米,第一阶段2个泊位已于1991年底完成。三巴旺港区在岛北,临柔佛海峡,在码头线1064米,6个水深9.7-11.3米的泊位。除以上港区外,还有该国西南的布孔岛(壳牌石油),亚逸楂湾岛(埃索),梅里茅岛(新加坡石油),比实岛(莫比尔)等六大炼油厂的岸壁码头和海上泊位约50多个。岸壁最大能停靠12万吨级船只,海上最大能停靠35万吨级船只。该港区石油总装卸量达8449万吨,约占该年全港货运量的近一半。全港年进港船舶4.5万艘、4.83亿总吨,该年外贸货物吞吐量1.88亿运费吨。集装箱总装卸522万标准箱,其中约45%为中转。集装箱处理量为635万标准箱。进港船只总吨位和集装箱装卸量均均居世界第一位,也是世界少数亿吨吞吐量大港之一。
An island-nation at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, Singapore is one of the few city-states in the world. Port History In the 2nd Century AD, the island belonged to the Sumatran Empire. Between the 16th and 19th Centuries, the Port of Singapore was ruled by the Sultanate of Johor. Portuguese held the settlement in the 1500s. The Dutch ruled in the 1600s, though they ruled an island of fishermen. In 1819, the British East India Company set up a trading post on the Singapore River where native people lived along the coast. The British used the Port of Singapore as a post on the famous spice route, and it was one of the most important centers for commerce and military power in the British Empire. In 1963, Singapore merged with Sarawak, Sabah, and Malaya to form Malaysia. But two years later, it split from the federation to become an independent republic and joined the United Nations. Since independence, the Port of Singapore has created a modern economy built on petrochemicals, electronics manufacturing, financial services, and tourism. It's the 17th wealthiest country in the world (GDP per capita). Port Commerce Its largely Chinese population was almost 5 million in 2007, yet English is the administration language of the Port of Singapore. The Port of Singapore hosts about 140 thousand vessels each year. It has facilities for handling cargo, refining oil, bunkering, and ship building and repair and many marine services. In 2000, the Port of Singapore handled over 325 million tons of cargo. The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore was formed in 1996 by the merger of the Marine Department, the National Maritime Board, and the former Port of Singapore Authority. It promotes the use, improvement, and development of the port and regulates the Port of Singapore's economy. It also manages Singapore's merchant fleet. Cruising and Travel Singapore is a hugely popular spot for tourists, and many cruise lines visit it each year. The Port of Singapore's cruise operators can provide many entertainments and tours ranging from day trips to the islands to seasonal cruises throughout Asia.