
港口名称 CHARLESTON/查尔斯顿 港务局 South Carolina State Ports Authority
港口代码 GBCXS 地址 176 Concord Street Charleston, SC 29401 United States
港口缩写 CHS 电话 843-723-8651
港口类型 Deepwater Seaport 传真 843 577 8626
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 scspainfo@scspa.com
所在国家 U.S.A 网址 www.scspa.com
经纬度 32 ° 47'0"N,79 ° 56'0"W
时区 +5:00
锚地 C2 浮附近
泊位吃水 12
海图号 2806
FUEL:BUNKER "C" AND BLENDED INTERMEDIATE GRADES DRY DOCKS:1 x 10,000 TON FLOATING DOCK 美国东海岸商港。位于南卡罗来纳州库珀河与温都河交汇处,迈阿密至华盛顿、纽约的铁路干线经过。北至纽约630海里,西南至萨凡纳港111海里,至杰克森维尔200海里,经向风海峡至科隆城1562海里。港区主要沿库珀河西岸南北伸展。1.联合码头:在港区的南端,有4个顺岸泊位,码头总长750米,前沿水深11米,主要用于散货,库场面积8.7万平方英尺,码头上有30吨吊机。2.哥伦布街码头:在联合码头之北约1公里有6个泊位,总长1180米,水深11米,南部两个泊位用于集装箱,码头上配有5台40-75吨装卸桥,北端有1个香蕉泊位,中间3个为散装货泊位,码头上有铁路通达。3.北查尔斯顿码头:在哥伦布街码头之北约10公里,有4个泊位,码头线总长762米,其中北端泊位用于谷物,码头上有150万蒲式耳(4万余吨)的粮仓,南端的泊位用于杂货,中间两个泊位是集装箱码头,配有4台40吨装卸桥。4.温都码头:在东部温都河口东岸,有3个总长740米的集装箱泊位,建于80年代末,可靠吃水12米的船只,码头上有6台40吨装卸桥。80年代末以来,该港集装箱吞吐发展迅速。为适应集装箱装卸需用,港口当局在温都码头北面建有3个集装箱泊位。
Port History Charles II granted the territory of Carolina in 1663, and English settlers established the community of Charles Town in 1670. In 1753, the colony's Capitol building was built, establishing the city's importance. During the American Revolution, the British held the city for two years. After independence, the capitol was moved to Columbia, but the Port of Charleston prospered as an important winter port. By the mid-1700s, the Port of Charleston was a busy hub for trade with the southern colonies. It was the colonies?fourth largest port by 1770. South Carolina seceded from the Union in 1860, and the Confederates took Fort Sumter in 1861, starting the American Civil War. In 1896, new jetties gave the Port of Charleston a deepwater entrance. In 1901, the U.S. established a naval base there that was expanded during both world wars. Today, port activity, behind tourism, is the leading source of Charleston's revenue. Port Commerce The Port of Charleston is owned and operated by the South Carolina State Ports Authority. There are five marine terminals in the Port of Charleston handling breakbulk and RO-RO cargo, container shipments, and project cargo. In 2007, the Port of Charleston handled 1.75 million tons of cargo, including 646 thousand tons of breakbulk cargo. In April 2007, permits were issued for a new three-berth, 280-acre marine terminal at the former Charleston Naval Base. Cruising and Travel The Port of Charleston is a favorite tourist destination. Its rich history, tradition, and Southern culture attract almost 4 million visitors a year. Cruises from Charleston sail to Bermuda or to the Caribbean, on a seasonal basis. The Norwegian Majesty sets sail for the Caymans, Bermuda, Cozumel, and Key West regularly. Carnival Cruise Lines offers cruises to the Bahamas. American Cruise Lines offers 7-day cruises from Charleston to the south's most charming spots.