
港口名称 NITEROI/尼泰罗伊 港务局
港口代码 BRNTR 地址 Avenida Feliciano Sodre, n 215 Niteroi, RJ CEP 24012-030 Brazil
港口缩写 NIT 电话 55 21 2718 3182
港口类型 城市 ,驳船港Seaport 传真 55 21 2620 7563
港口大小 Large 邮件
所在国家 巴西BRAZIL 网址 www.portosrio.gov.br
经纬度 22 ° 53'0"S,43 ° 7'0"W
时区 +3:00
泊位吃水 7
海图号 541
FUEL:AVAILABLE 巴西大西洋沿岸港口。该国东南,采用西3区标准时。最大吃水7米。水的载重密度为1025。潮差1.4米。盛行南风。强制引航。通讯联系、节假日和入港船舶需备文件同里约热内卢。工作时间可协商安排。港口服务设施有:加燃料、小艇、医疗、淡水、给养、遣返,无修船、干船坞、牵引、排污设施。外国领事机构均在里约热内卢。港口入港航道宽70米,水深6米,长1.4公里。调头港池宽250米,水深8米。港内可使用的泊位岸线长450米,可停泊滚装船、集装箱船、散装货船,是里约区航运中心专门停靠较大船只的港区。码头上有各种集装箱起重设施、叉车、吊车和卸小麦的专门设备,13个粮食筒舱储藏量15000吨。
Niteroi is on the eastern side of the Guanabara Bay, across from Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. It is linked to Rio by ferry, rail, and one of the longest bridges in the country. Port History The Port of Niteroi is the only city in Brazil founded by a native Indian chief, Arariboia. His tribe helped the Portuguese in their war with the French for control of the Bay. In 1573, the tribe received land they named Sao Lourenco dos Indios. Arariboia received the title of knight of the Order of Christ and Captain of the village, and he received a salary and clothes that had belonged to the Portuguese King. In 1819, the village was recognized by the government and named Vila Real da Praia Grande. In 1836, it became a city and was renamed Niteroi. The city began to expand beyond its 1836 limits in the late 19th Century, when the construction of tramway services stimulated urban expansion. The Port of Niteroi entered an industry boom in the early 20th Century. Port Commerce The Port of Niteroi is a well-developed residential suburb of Rio. It's the home of Brazil's main shipbuilding and ship-repair yards. It hosts pharmaceutical and food processing plants, metal and machinery industries, and textile mills. In 2005, about 475 thousand people lived in the Port of Niteroi. In 1925, Brazil's federal government authorized the construction of a commercial port. Today's canal is over 300 yards wide, 470 yards long, and about 25 feet deep. At the wharf, the canal is about 270 yards wide. Today's Port of Niteroi contains almost seven acres and over 470 yards of wharf. The Port of Niteroi has two terminals. Terminal I, the Nitport Servicos Portuarios SA, provides for the movement of grains and general cargo. In offers almost three acres for cargo handling and storage and over 150 yards of wharf. Terminal II, the Nitshore Engenharia e Servicos Portuarios SA, is dedicated to the country's shipbuilding and ship-repair functions. Cruising and Travel The Port of Niteroi is surrounded by beautiful beaches. It's the second largest city in the State of Rio de Janeiro and an important industrial and commercial center. Many people commute to Rio from this residential suburb. Its proximity to Rio has brought excellent hotels and restaurants to the Port of Niteroi. Its beaches boast some of the finest restaurants and nightlife available in the Rio de Janeiro area. The city contains the Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Niteroi, a modern space ship shaped art museum designed by the famous architect Oscar Niemeyer. The museum contains works by many of Brazil's most important artists.