
港口名称 SHANGHAI/上海 港务局 Shanghai Port Authority
港口代码 CNSHA/CNSGH/CNSHG 地址 Administration Office 13 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road Shanghai, Shanghai 200002 China
港口缩写 SHA 电话 86 21 6329 0660
港口类型 城市 ,基本港Seaport 传真 86 21 6329 0202
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 huangrl@portshanghai.com.cn
所在国家 中国CHINA 网址 www.portshanghai.com.cn
经纬度 31 ° 15'0"N,121 ° 35'0"E
时区 -8:00
锚地 31-04-00N122-13-00E
海图号 13181,13183(Chinese)
自然条件   气  象:  风况:全年以东南偏东风为最多,东风及东南风次之,11月至次年2月多西北风,4~8月多东南风,6~10月会有台风及随风而来的暴雨。上海受台风影响或袭击主要在7~9月。8月受台风影响时,风力较强,9月台风常与南下的冷空气结合,以产生大暴雨。年平均风速3.0米/秒,最大风速30.0米/秒。   降水:年平均降水量1110.9毫米,年最大为1659毫米,最小为771毫米。历年降水量≥0.1毫米的日数为129.1天;≥5.0毫米的日数为55.8天;≥10.0毫米的日数为34.4天;≥25.0毫米的日数为11.4天。6、7月份为黄梅雨季,持续约1个月。降雪的日子不多,雪量不大,有时终年无雪。   雾况:年平均雾日35.7天,大多发生在11、12、1月,一般在上午10时消散,经日不散的大雾天极少出现。   气温:年平均气温15.8℃,1月最低3.7℃,7月最高,平均27.8℃。极端最高气温达40.2℃,极端最低气温为-12.1℃,寒潮来时,夜间虽会有霜冻或结冰,但从未发生过港区水域冰冻情况。   冰况:属全年不冻港。  水  文:  潮汐:无论长江口和黄埔江均属正规半日潮型。黄浦江自吴淞口至淀山湖长113千米,均受潮汐影响,涨潮时从吴淞口向黄浦江里涌进81.5千米,退潮时流入长江。农历每月初三和十八日左右为大潮,初十和二十五为小潮。黄浦江各地水位特征数值不一,最高高潮位越往里越小。   潮流:长江口外方具有回转性,顺时针旋转。长江口南支南港在东经122度1分以东仍为顺时针回旋流,以西为往复流。黄浦江内潮流顺河道往复。通常黄浦江内水流平缓,仅在陆家嘴附近因河道过于弯曲,水流急时紊流。水流流速随季节而变化,最大涨潮流速为3.5海里,最大落潮流速为2.9海里。      交通状况   公路铁路:  上海港的交通发达便捷,集疏运条件良好。铁路干线有津炉线和沪杭线,港区的开平、北票、张华浜和军工路码头均有铁路专用线。公路通过204、312、318、320国道,分别通往烟台、乌鲁木齐、拉萨和昆明,并与国内其他主要公路干线相通;与204国道相连接的沪嘉(上海至嘉定)高速公路,与320国道连接的莘松(莘庄到松江)高速公路已建成通车。   航空运输:  上海的虹桥国际机场是我国最大的航空枢纽之一,空中航线国内遍及除台湾省以外的全国30多个大中城市,国际航线可通往美国、日本、加拿大、法国、新加坡等国家以及香港地区的10多个主要城市。   其  它:  内河航道共有225条,其中通往外省市的干线航道有8条;海上客、货运航线遍及沿海各主要港口,其中客运航线可达大连、青岛、宁波、温州、海门、福州、厦门、广州等地。      经济腹地     优越的地理位置和便利的集疏运交通,为上海港发展提供了良好的条件。    上海港地处长江三角洲沿海与长江交汇处。以上海港为中心,北起连云港、南至温州港,西溯南京港,已形成了规模大、功能全、辐射广的长江三角洲港口群,在我国东部经济发展中,具有重要的战略意义。   从广义上看,上海港及其相邻港口的吸引范围广及整个长江流域及陇海、浙赣铁路沿线地区,这是长江三角洲港口群共有的腹地,对上海港来说,可谓第一层次的腹地。     从狭义上分,江苏、浙江、安徽和江西四省是上海港及其相邻港口交叉的腹地,对上海港来说,可谓第二层次的腹地。    上海港第三层次的腹地,也是直接的腹地,就是上海市。     腹地处于我国南北的中部,横跨东、中、西部三个地带,是我国经济发达和比较发达的地区。腹地经济的主要特点:第一,加工能力大,但矿藏资源少。这些省市的工业以加工工业为主,钢铁、石化、电力和纺织工业等都较发达,无论是品种、质量或规模,都在全国占有领先地位。但矿藏资源少,工业所需的燃料、原材料,大部分或全部要从区外或国外进口。第二,沿江设厂,充分利用水运资源。一大批大型骨干工厂,如上钢、宝钢等都位于或基本上位于沿海沿江,这对发展水运有利,水运将在上述三个地带滚动发展中起重要作用。第三,随着改革开放的深入,外向型经济发展迅速。腹地内上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、福建等五省一市的外贸出口金额都比上年增加。 港区分布及泊位情况   上海港主要由分布在长江入海口南岸的宝山、张华浜、军工路、外高桥、共青、高阳、朱家门、民生、新华、复兴、开平、东昌等港区构成。目前,港区正逐步向南岸黄浦江畔扩展,以缓解由于泊位拥挤造成的外籍船舶转靠南通港的局面。
Port History The Port of Shanghai is a natural deepwater port and shipping centre. It had a customs office in the early 11th Century, and by the end of the 13th century, it was a county seat under the Kiangsu Province. After 1850, western nations made Shanghai their Chinese base for commercial imperialism. Britain's 1842 victory over China led to opening the city for foreign trade and allowing British, French, and Americans to occupy designated areas. The British got navigation rights on the Yangtze River in 1857, and the Port of Shanghai became the most important port in China. By 1860, it accounted for around one-fourth of the tonnage shipped into and out of China. After World War I, Western and Japanese economic imperialism surged once again. Japan occupied the port during World War II, when its industries suffered major damage. Before Shanghai fell to the People's Liberation Army in 1949, it had major economic dislocations resulting from an explosion of small inefficient industries, uncontrolled inflation, and no plan for reconstruction. After 1949, China's emphasis on internal regional development further slowed Shanghai's development. But since relations with the Soviet Union cooled after 1960, the Port of Shanghai has retaken its position as China's leading scientific and technological research center. Port Commerce The Port of Shanghai is China's major transportation hub. At high tide, oceangoing vessels can sail up the river to the city. In the 1950s, the harbor was divided into specialized sections for storing bulk commodities, maintaining transportation, general cargo wharves, small-craft terminals and cargo-handling, and passenger and freight terminals. The Port of Shanghai is a hub for industrial products going everywhere in China. In foreign trade, the value of exports is greater than imports, and manufactured exports are increasing steadily. Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal Development Co., Ltd. is a major construction project. Located in the North Bund Area, it covers an area of almost 100 miles with a waterfront of about one-half a mile. A city where east and west meet, Shanghai has geographic advantages, economic development, and lots of tourist attractions. These elements make the Port of Shanghai an ideal China cruise destination. Cruising and Travel Covering the next five years, Shanghai's port development blueprint calls for development of the cruise business and for Shanghai to become a homeport. Cruising has grown quickly in the Port of Shanghai, and the volume of calls and passengers continues to increase dramatically. The cruise market has huge potential due to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and the 2010 World Expo to be hosted by Shanghai. They�e expecting around 500,000 passengers each year for the next several years.