
港口名称 IMMINGHAM/伊明汉姆 港务局 Associated British Ports
港口代码 GBIMM 地址 Dock Office Immingham Immingham DN40 2LZ United Kingdom
港口缩写 IMM 电话 +44 (0) 1472 359181
港口类型 城市 ,驳船港Harbor 传真 +44 (0) 1472 242488
港口大小 Large 邮件 npalmer@abports.co.uk
所在国家 英国UNITED KINGDOM 网址 www.abports.co.uk/custinfo/ports/imm.htm
经纬度 53 ° 37'0"N,0 ° 12'0"W
时区 0:00
锚地 SPURN 灯船附近
泊位吃水 13.41
海图号 3497
FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:LENGTH 225.60M, WIDTH 17.10M 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国港口。位于英格兰东北亨伯河岸,时区采用格林威治平时(英国夏时3-10)。允许最大吃水伊明赫姆码头10.36米,外突码头11.89-13.41米。水的载重密度为1010。潮差7.6-14.8米。盛行风向偏西南。强制引航。船只与港口联系用无线电甚高频11、14、16频道。特别港口规则:船只必须有气体消除证书。港口假日和工作时间按照格里姆斯比。进港限制:靠伊明赫姆码头船只不超过198.12米长,船宽不超过26.21米,吃水10.36;伊明赫姆散装货码头和码头吃水限制在11.89-13.41米,决定于潮汐状况。有修船、小艇、拖曳、排污、遣返和干船坞设施。可提供淡水、食品、燃料补给和医疗条件。领事:芬兰、希腊副领事、瑞典领事。每年进出口吨位:进口1440万吨;出口1133.2万吨。一般货和散装货泊位:伊明赫姆码头可允许最大吃水10.4米的船只靠泊,1号码头长190米,有2台起重机,码头有铁路服务;2号-3号码头长216米,有5台起重机,也有铁路服务;南码头,是最长的码头,分成3段,第1段长383米,中段长195米,其余长200米;矿物码头,长414米,全码头有铁路服务,有12台起重机,起重能力6-20吨,该码头末端有一个长91.4米的小码头;外侧有伊明赫姆码散装货码头。滚装船泊位:滚装船码头由2个码头组成,一个长212.5米,另一个162.5米,其西端汇合又形成长107.8米的码头,必要时可同时接纳4艘轮渡靠泊;一个新滚装船码头可接纳艉滑道长19.8米,船宽26米,最大吃水10.36米的船只。油轮泊位:伊明赫姆油码头主泊位-可接纳250000载重吨,吃水在11.98-13.41米的2艘油轮,决定于潮汐状况,装油速率1000吨/时,决定于油的类型;芬格(FINGER)泊位,可接纳4艘沿海油轮;东和西突码头:最大船长213米,装速在400-1000吨/时之间,吃水约在8.4-11.3米,可接纳最大30000载重吨的船只。
On the central east coast of England, the Port of Immingham is on the south bank of the Humber Estuary in North East Lincolnshire. Port History Mayflower Pilgrims embarked from the Port of Immingham to sail through Holland to Southampton and then to Plymouth. Until the early 1900s, the Port of Immingham was an agricultural village. When the railroad arrived, speculators built a deep-sea dock there, and the area began to grow with a working population. World War I brought decline in growth that continued into the 1950s. During World War II, Lord Mountbatten made the Port of Immingham his shore base, and he docked HMS Kelly there. King George V opened the Port of Immingham Dock in 1906. The Port of Immingham covered one thousand acres, including 45 acres of water. The Grimsby and Immingham Electric Railway connected the dock, the down, and the mainland. In the 1950s, chemical and petroleum industries grew along the Humber Bank, brought 20 years of economic and population growth, and stimulated construction. Port Commerce The Port of Immingham is now owned by the Associated British Ports, and it's home to the biggest deep-sea docks in England. In terms of tonnage, the Port of Immingham is the largest port in the United Kingdom, with traffic of 57 million tons in 2006. The large port and industrial complex is an important point for the import of coal into Britain. The Port of Immingham is one of England's fastest-growing ports. It's the busiest ferry port on the East Coast, handling dry and tank containers and large quantities of fish. It's England's biggest dry bulk port, handling cargoes like coal, coke, slag, ferrous alloys, pig iron, animal feed, and agri-bulk. It offers almost five acres of warehouse and a new electronic terminal management system. The Port of Immingham's bagging and distribution facility has 2.2 hectares for handling horticultural and retail goods. The port is also home to several major timber terminals offering extensive open and covered areas for storage, timber treatment, and cargo-handling. The Port of Immingham handles increasing amounts fruit and vegetable imports from the Mediterranean and frozen fish. A major hub for the oil and petrochemical industries, the Port of Immingham boasts about one-fifth of the country's oil-refining capacity and four specialized liquid bulk terminals, including Simon Storage with a capacity of more than 260 storage tanks. The Port of Immingham handles many sailings of roll-on/roll-off cargo with Northern Europe and Scandinavia each week. The enclosed dock is over 200 yards long and 34 feet deep and can handle up to 38 thousand deadweight tons. The International Terminal is 300 yards long with a depth of 46 feet and can handle up to 200 thousand deadweight tons. The Immingham Oil Terminal is 400 yards long and 43 feet deep and can handle up to 300 thousand deadweight tons. Immingham's Bulk Terminal is over 330 yards long with a depth of 46 feet, and it can handle up to 200 thousand deadweight tons. Finally, the Immingham Gas Jetty is over 300 yards long with a depth of 36 feet and a capacity to handle 50 thousand deadweight tons.