
港口名称 LONDON/伦敦 港务局 Port of London Authority
港口代码 GBLOZ 地址 Bakers' Hall 7 Harp Lane London EC3R 6LB United Kingdom
港口缩写 LON 电话 +44 20 7743 7900
港口类型 River Port 传真 +44 20 7743 7999
港口大小 Large 邮件 marketing@pla.co.uk
所在国家 UNITED KINGDOM 网址 www.pla.co.uk
经纬度 51 ° 30'0"N,0 ° 5'0"W
时区 0:00
锚地 51-03-30N 01-10-12E
泊位吃水 12.5
海图号 3319
FUEL:ALL TYPES 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的首都、港口。强制引航。电台(看下面)。进港限制:下列航道由该港务局维护:从伦敦桥到托尔桥(TOWER),宽100到115米,海图基准面水深2.4米;从托尔桥到泰晤士隧道到格陵兰码头,128-137米,3.5米深;从格陵兰码头到乔治五世王码头,137-183米,4.3-5.2米深;从乔治五世王码头到戴根约姆,皮隆斯(PYLONS),183米、5.8米深;从戴根纳姆,皮隆斯到科德角(COLDHARBOUR POINT),183米,7米深;从科德角到泰晤士港(THAMES HAVEN),305米,7.8米深,从泰晤士黑文到1号海洋浮标(NO.1 SEA REACH BUOY),305米,9.6-10.8米深。河口外浮标为标记的主要水道有:巴罗深水区,爱丁堡水道、布莱克深水区和约翰诺克水道。进港船只只需备文件一般按英国要求。有修船、小艇、拖曳、排污、遣返和干船坞设施,可提供淡水、食品、燃料补给和医疗条件。锚泊设施:港区范围:从离河口152.3公里的特丁顿到以下领水范围:--从福尔内斯角到汞弗李特(GUNFLEET)老灯塔。伦敦港务局地产--面积包括城市仓库,计1605.8公顷;码头和港池水域面积207公顷。直线泊位长35.4公里。蒂尔伯里港区(TILBURY DOCKS):在伦敦桥以下41.83公里。在蒂尔伯里集装箱码头--1个河流泊位、5个深水泊位,可接纳海洋集装箱船。诺斯弗利特(NOTHFLEET)霍普(HOPE)码头租给蒂尔伯里集装箱服务公司,处理海外集装箱运输公司对澳大利亚、印度和中东的贸易,诺斯弗利特、霍普1号泊位,长305米,水深在任何潮汐况下均有12.5米,有2台集装箱龙门吊,第39泊位,长259米,无潮水深10.67米,有2台45吨起重能力的双提升(LWIN-LIFT)龙门吊。有26公顷储存区,其中包括有轨集装箱设施;伦敦港务局多用户集装箱码头,由41、43、和45吨的泊位组成,码头长774米,有4台起重能力为30-45吨的龙门吊。从事到西欧和东欧、地中海、北非、西非、和南非、中东、印度、巴基斯坦、远东、澳大利亚、南、北美的定期海运服务;蒂尔伯里火车集装箱码头--由专用快车运输集装箱与蒂尔伯里集装箱码头相连(还有其他蒂尔伯里泊位),在联合王国和爱尔兰主要工业和人口区;蒂里伯里木材码头--泊位42、44和46号租给加拿大和斯堪的纳维亚的进口商人;34号泊位和其他一般货泊位伦敦港务而提供建筑方面的多用户木材制品,所有泊位可接纳吃水11.3米的装散货的海轮,一般目的泊位--14个进出口泊位,大多数有中转货棚,有堆放集装箱、木材制品等专门设备。可接纳一般货、滚装、散装货船,有60台起重能力5吨和1台起重能力36吨的码头起重机,2台起重能力为30吨的集装箱门吊、1台起重能力为80吨的移动式起重机、起重能力为60吨和120吨的浮动起重机。这些多用户码头处理英国沿海商船、地中海、北非、南非、和东非、中东、印/巴、远东、澳大利亚、北美和南美贸易;西非码头--泊位23-33,为西非联合服务公司拥有,也进行远东和中、南美贸易,有4个泊位码头专门装备有集装箱、包装木材制品、原木、车辆、盘货、疏批一般货搬运装备,船舶报废(SCARP)金属码头-泊位912,租给乔治,科恩600集团和迈耶,纽曼有限公司,出口金属,橡浆码头--WM赛明顿父子公司提供储存设施,使用蒂尔泊里海外突码头锚泊;河边滚装船泊位--可靠6000吨的船只;蒂尔泊里乘客码头--长348.1米,宽24.4米,靠泊水深10.2米,蒂尔伯里干船坞--长229.39米,宽33.53米,水深9.91米,蒂尔伯里谷物码头--有很先进的装卸谷物设施,自动化工作速率2000吨/时。突码头长289.5米,与一条长243.8米的引导突码头(APPRACH JETTY)相连,有高速输送机把谷物送到筒仓,靠泊水深12.8;设备有2台卸货塔,最大卸速每台1000吨/时,塔高54.9米,输送带2×1000吨/时,把谷物送达筒仓或装载点驳船;2台莫伦斯恰特(MOLENSCHOFS)工作时速率1000吨/时。进口船闸和水道情况如下:引导密尔沃尔码头进口闸,船闸净长178米,高水位时水深24.4米。西南印度到密尔沃尔,高水位时水深24.4米,海槛中心高水位水深9.83米。格伦加尔格罗夫水道,高水位时水深24.4米,海槛中心高水位水深9.83米。蒂尔伯里码头进口闸,船闸净长304.8米,高水位水深33.5米,海槛中心高水位水深13.8米。印度和密尔沃尔码头西南印度码头,确认的高水位以下水深10.06米,水域面积13.53公顷,泊位直线长2.39公里。密尔沃尔码头蒂尔伯里码头,确认的高水位以下水深9.30-9.83米,水域面积14.59公顷,泊位直线长3.22公里。主码头,确认的高水位以下水深11.6-12.9米,水域面积24.67公顷,泊位直线长2.55公里。东支码头,确认的高水位以下水深11.6米,水域面积3.72公顷,泊位直线长1.04公里。中央支码头,确认的高水位以下水深11.6米,水域面积4.46面积,泊位直线长1.07公里。西支码头,确认的高水位以下水深11.6米,水域面积2.87公顷,泊位直线长0.85公里。码头延长,确认的高水位以下水深11.6-12.2米,水域面积27.28公顷,泊位直线长2.65公里。35和37泊位,确认的高水位以下水深6.5米。2、伦敦公共码头:1.桥码头和安尼克斯(ANNEXE),可接纳最长50米、宽9米,水深4米(高潮)的船只,有4台移动式起重机,有铲车、龙门吊、储存空间2044平方米,露天储存面积1858平方米;2.桥码头:泊位长48.77米,水深3.35米,低潮时水深为0,储存面积5852.7平方米,露天2322.5平方米,处理一般货。海关设施:专有;3.埃利斯深水码头,泊位可适应长182.88米,靠泊水深6.4米(大潮低潮)的船只,与达特-福特-普林利特(DARTFORD-PURFLTTE)隧道相连、与铁路相连,有9个仓库;4.伦敦钢铁码头:E14码头长64.0米,水深4.88米(高潮)、低潮时无水;5.海洋和市镇码头:河边码头,接纳和输送散装液体,有油罐(TOWN WLARF)储存装置,可停靠最大油轮达1200载重吨,最大吃水4.27米、深水码头可靠5000载重吨的油轮;6.油轮;泰晤士码头:有2个深水泊位,处理散装液体,水深分别为10.67米和8.23米(大潮平均低潮)、长分别为243.8米和182.88米,储存燃料油和化学品容量20万吨,可接纳300-1万吨油轮;伦敦油码头:科里顿(CORYTON)在伦敦以下56.32公里的泰晤河北岸。1号突码头:靠泊水深10.05米(低潮),部分疏浚,最大船只40000载重吨,最大船长198.12米;2号突码头:靠泊沿海商船和驳船,最大2000载重吨,水深5.49-6.71米;3号突码头,低潮时靠泊水深13.11米,要疏浚,可接纳最大载货80000载重吨的船只。普尔弗利特(PURFLEEF),1号突码头:可接纳最长191.44米,吃水9.75米的船只;2号突码头:可适应最长167.64米、宽27.43米的船只;壳牌黑文公司(SHELL HAVEN),共有16个泊位,可同时作业,有8个处理油轮的深水泊位和3个沿海商船泊位,靠泊水深4.18-7.32米;深水突码头:B突堤,水深低水位14.63米,最大船长335.28米。A突码头,水深低水位12.5米,最大船长259.08米。J突码头,水深低水位10.36米,最大船长243.84米。C突码头,水深低水位10.36米,最大船长237.74米。H突码头,水深低水位9.75米,最大船长243.84米。E突码头,水深低水位8.84米,最大船长182.88米。L突码头,水深低水位9.14米,最大船长198.12米。M突码头,水深低水位9.14米,最大船长182.88米。工作时间:2班制,14小时/日(星期一至星期五)、装食品星期六和日也工作;3班制24小时/日,包括银行假日。领航艇--伦敦港务局,无线电甚高频6、12、和16频道、联系拖轮用6、8、10频道。
London is in southeastern England on the River Thames about 50 miles upstream the North Sea. The Port of London has been vital to the city's economy since the country's Saxon era. Port History Archeological evidence suggests that there were pre-Celtic Briton settlement, but the first significant village was founded by Romans in 43 AD. Called Londinium, it was two miles west of what is now the City of Westminster. Just 17 years later, the Celtic Queen Boudica drove the Romans from the place, burning the first London to the ground. In 100 AD, the Romans then rebuilt a new city and made it capital of the province of Britannia. In the 2nd Century, about 60 thousand people lived there. Troubles in the Roman Empire led to decline in the city during the 3rd Century, and it was practically abandoned by the 400s. In the 7th Century, a new Anglo-Saxon settlement called Lundenwic appeared in today's Covent Garden. A working harbor existed at the mouth of the River Fleet until Vikings destroyed the city in 851 AD. Twenty years later, King Alfred the Great made peace and located the settlement at the site of the old Roman city, calling it. Shipbuilding was important during the reign of Alfred the Great. Until the late 10th Century, the Port of London prospered as a political and international trading center. But the Vikings returned, and the Danish King Canute forced King Ethelred the Unready out of the city. King Canute ruled until he died in 1042. His son, Edward the Confessor, re-founded Westminster Abbey and its Palace, and the Anglo-Saxons took control of the biggest and richest city in England. In 1066, William the Conquerer was crowned after winning the Battle of Hastings. Though Westminster was the royal residence and home to the English court throughout the Middle Ages, London was the rich center for trade. In the 12th Century, when the two cities grew together, London became the capital of England. By 1300, almost 100 thousand people lived in the Port of London. But the Black Death eliminated about a third of its people. Britain defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588, bringing stability to England and allowing London to continue to grow. Henry VIII established the Royal Dockyards in the mid-1500s, and the city became England's main naval shipbuilding yard. That industry still exists but in a much smaller way. Scotland's James VI ascended to the throne in 1603, but plague visited the city again. The Black Plague of 1665-1666 was punctuated by the Great Fire of London in 1666 that destroyed much of the city. It took over ten years to rebuild the Port of London. From the early 19th Century, the Port of London was the world's biggest city. A rail network drove expansion, and congestion led to the construction of the world's first subway system, the London Underground in 1863. During World War II, Germany's Blitz (unrelenting bombing of England) killed tens of thousands of London residents and destroyed much property, leading to 30 years of reconstruction. After the war, immigration from countries in the Commonwealth changed the character of the city, making it one of Europe's most diverse cities. In 1965, the city's boundaries expanded to create today's Greater London. A self-financing public trust, the Port of London Authority (PLA), is responsible for safety of the Tidal Thames, promoting the River's use, and protecting the environment. In 1390, King Richard II passed the first laws authorizing import and export in English ships. The Tudor period brought new merchant activity to the Port of London. In 1576, London became the world's leading trading port when Antwerp was destroyed. Trade nearly doubled in the 18th Century, and new docks and warehouses were built to keep up with the increasing traffic. In 1805, the City Canal was opened, and the East India Dock was open