
港口名称 KUMPORT/坤布 港务局 Turkiye Denizcilik Isletmeleri AS
港口代码 TRIST 地址 Meclisi Mebusan Cad No 52 Salipazari Istanbul Turkey
港口缩写 IST 电话 90 212 252 2100
港口类型 码头 ,驳船港Deepwater Seaport 传真 90 212 244 3480
港口大小 Very Large 邮件 istanbul.liman@superonline.com
所在国家 土耳其TURKEY 网址 www.tdi.com.tr
经纬度 41 ° 1'0"N,28 ° 58'0"E
时区 -2:00
泊位吃水 12
海图号 1198
FUEL:DIESEL OIL,GAS OIL AND BUNKER FUEL BY BARGE DRY DOCKS:600.00FT LENGTH, 63.00FT WIDTH     土耳其商港。位于该国西北部博斯普鲁斯海峡南口,紧伊城市。北距康斯坦萨199海里,距敖萨德348海里,东北距诺沃罗西斯克港451海里,东距巴统586海里,南距塞得港296海里。港口内海、北港、南港和东港之分。内港系指金角湾内,船舶入港要穿越两座跨湾大桥,水深、净空都受限制,为沿海小船港区。北港指加拉塔以北、港市北部海峡西岸,有KARAKOY客运码头线总长520米,沿边水深7-10米;谷物码头190米,水深10米;杂货物集装箱码头800米,水深10米;SALIPASARI干货码头600米,沿边水深10米;还有大桥以北煤炭码头370米,沿边水深10米。南港指金角湾大桥外南岸SARAYBURNU客运码头,长240米,水深6米,供中型船使用。东港区在海峡东岸斯屈达尔之南的海达尔帕萨,突堤和顺岸有19个泊位,码头线近3000米,水深6-12米,其中水深10米以上者占半数,外有2条防波堤保护,是本港最大规模的水陆联运港区,可供16艘中型船同时作业,还备有4座粮仓,除散货泊位外还有杂货、集装箱、滚装船泊位。油轮码头在港西南60公里的马尔马拉海西北岸一个敞开的小湾内,有石油平台和系浮筒泊位各一个,最大水深15米。全港40多个泊位,年吞吐约在1000万吨以上,集装箱5万余标准箱。     该港属亚热带地中海式气候,盛行东北风。年平均气温8~20摄氏度。每年有雾日36天。全年平均降雨量500mm。本港潮汐变化甚小。装卸设备有各种岸吊、门吊、汽车吊、浮吊、集装箱吊、可移式吊及拖船等,其中浮吊最大起重能力达250吨,拖船功率最大为1839kW。在AMBARLI油码头最大可泊25万载重吨的大型油船。港区粮仓容量达7万吨,另有仓库及堆场等。装卸效率:谷物每小时装200吨。主要进口货物为煤、铅、铜、锡、木材、牛油及工业品等,出口货物主要有羊毛、棉花、干木、烟叶、丝、水果、皮张及地毡等。 
The Port of Istanbul (or the Port of Hairdar Pasha) is the largest seaport and city in Turkey. The old city is located on the peninsula between Europe an Asia, covering both continents. It was the capital of the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Turkish Republic. Port History For over 2500 years, the Port of Istanbul has been both a bridge and a barrier for cultures, religions, and imperial powers. Archeological evidence suggests that the first human habitation of the area was in the Copper Age. Artifacts dating from 5500 to 3500 BC have been found in the Fikirtepe mound on the Anatolian side of the city. A Phoenician port settlement was found in nearby Chalcedon, the first place Greek settlers colonized in 685 BC. Thracian tribes established an ancient port called Lygos between the 13th and 11th Centuries BC. Today's Topkapi Palace now stands on the site of Lygos, which was also the location of the Byzantion Acropolis. According to legend, Byzas was the leader of the Greeks who took the peninsula from the Thracian tribes and built the city of Byzantium in 657 BC. Roman emperor Septimius Severus razed the town for opposing his forces in civil war, but he rebuilt it with the name August Antonina. Constantine the Great made the city the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire in 330 AD, calling it New Rome and later Constantinopolis. The Fourth Crusade in the early 13th Century was aimed at Jerusalem, but the Crusaders sacked Constantinople instead. It then became the Catholic Church's eastern center, but it fell into an economic and cultural decline. In the 13th Century, Arabs used the name they heard Byzantines use for the city, calling it Istinpolin, and over the centuries, that name evolved to Istanbul. In 1453, Sultan Mehmed II captured the city following a 53-day siege, and he proclaimed it the capital of the Ottoman Empire. The Sultan created the Grand Bazaar and invited fleeing Catholics to return. He freed prisoners and ordered four thousand families from Rumelia and Anatolia to settle the city. He intentionally imported different cultures to create a cosmopolitan society. The Sultan also constructed many architectural monuments (like the Topkapi Palace and Eyup Sultan Mosque), schools, public baths, and hospitals in the Port of Istanbul. From 1520 to 1566, Suleiman the Magnificent reigned the Ottoman Empire, inspiring an era of great architectural and artistic achievement. Many new mosques and buildings sprang up, and the arts of calligraphy and ceramics flourished. In 1923, the Republic of Turkey was established, its capital was moved to Ankara, and the Port of Istanbul took a back seat to the new capital. In the 1950s, many infrastructure improvements were made, even at the expense of historic buildings. The Port of Istanbul's population increased dramatically in the 1970s as people came in search of work in the many factories being constructed on the city's outskirts. Population growth forced a housing boom, and outlying villages were swallowed by the greater metropolitan area. Today, the Port of Istanbul is the world's 4th largest city and the 20th largest urban area. It is Turkey's financial and cultural center, covering 27 districts in the Istanbul province. Located on the Bosphorus Strait that links the Sea of Marmara with the Black Sea, its natural harbor is called the Golden Horn. The only urban area with territory on two continents, the historic city was added to UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites in 1985 and was chosen as the European Capital of Culture for 2010. Interestingly, the official name of the city was Constantinople until 1930 when the Turkish Post Office made the change to Istanbul. Port Commerce The Port of Istanbul, also known as the Port of Haidar Pasha, is a seaport handling g