
港口名称 Laizhou/莱州港 港务局 panocean shipping agency
港口代码 CNLAI 地址
港口缩写 LAI 电话 86 535 6225537
港口类型 Harbor 传真 86 535 6225571
港口大小 Small 邮件
所在国家 China 网址
时区 -8:00
锚地 见详细说明
自然条件  莱州港自然条件好,海岸线稳定,泥沙活动弱,地址条件好,水流速度小,海域宽阔,陆域发展余地较大,滩陡水深,具备建设五万吨级深水泊位的基本条件。     地理位置  自莱州湾南岸的虎头崖到西端的套尔河的东风港,海岸线长达800余公里,这一带没有深水泊位和中型以上规模的港口,近期内腹地的几个小港,主要承担短途运输或为大港集疏运服务,而莱州港是这一带最近的出海口,尤其是大船运输的货物,集疏运优势明显,货源充足稳定。济南、德州、潍坊等地物资从莱州港出海,比经烟台港、青岛港出口,大大的缩短了陆运距离。     经济环境  这些为莱州港的建设发展提供了良好的条件和机遇,也就决定了莱州港的特殊地位。随着横贯莱州市的德(州)烟(台)铁路、烟(台)潍(坊)高速路的建设开通,莱州港的经济腹地将内延扩大。腹地的扩大、腹地经济的迅速发展,以及临海工业的发展,将使莱州港的吞吐量有较大较快的增长。莱州港将依靠其优越的地理位置,良好的自然环境条件、便利的集疏运条件,逐步增加建材、水泥、非金属矿石、件杂等,形成专业与通用码头相结合,大、中、小泊位并举,客、货运兼有,装卸、仓储和临海工业于一体、功能齐全的综合性地方港口。     交通状况  莱州港水、陆交通方便,水路距龙口27海里、烟台116海里、大连154海里、塘沽155海里、上海636海里。陆上可以通过三(山岛)蓝(村)路、三(山岛)文(登)路、城(莱州城区)港(莱州港)一级路与全国公路网连通;距市区26公里,潍坊127公里。横贯莱州市的德(州)烟(台)铁路、烟(台)潍(坊)高速路的铺设工作已经展开。     港口规模  莱州港目前建有万吨级泊位一个,泊位长190.99米,水深9.8米。3000吨级泊位3个,泊位总长322.32米,水深7.2米。  装卸机械及能力  公共港口起重机械30台,最大起重能力40吨,装卸搬运机械91台,其中货柜牵引车68台。     助航信息  航 道:  莱州港进港航道分自然航道和人工开挖航道两部分。自然航道以37°34'57"N、119°51' 48"E 和37°25'36"N、119°56'39"E 两点连线为中心线,宽度为2000米,水深9.2米-13米。口门有1#和2#浮标引导。人工开挖航道长950米、宽95米、水深9.2米。岸上设航道中心标,水上有3#--7#浮标指示。  驶往莱州港的船舶应在37°34'57"N、119°51' 48"E 取航向160°前进。从3#、4#浮标之间驶入人工开挖航道后,根据助航标志和调度人员的指示,可航至各泊位。  莱州港航道商船、渔船公用,航道两侧有养殖区,进出港船舶要加强僚望,慢速航行,避免进入养殖区或与渔船发生纠纷。   锚  地: 莱州港锚地在以下五点连线范围内:  1、37°30' 06" N��119°48' 33" E  2、37°31' 29" N��119°52' 52" E  3、37°33' 25" N��119°51' 51" E  4、37°34' 14" N��119°49' 18" E  5、37°33' 47" N��119°46' 41" E   联系 电话: +86 535 4278 2350 传真: +86 535 278 2028
laizhou port is a first-grade open port located at the bank of the beautiful laizhou bay in the circumbo-hai sea economic zone.it is a perennially non-freezing and non-silting harbour.the shoreline resource is plentiful.laizhou port is the only location fit for the construction of deep-water wharf and development of 100 million tons port in the nearly thousand-kilometer coastline of the laizhou bay and the yellow river delta area.it is the most conveninent deep-water seagoing navigation chaneel with the lowest comprehensive materials flow cost for the middle,the west and the north area of shandong province. laizhou port is an important engineering project in the national eighth five-year plan.it is constructed from april in 1992 and put into service since june in 1996.at present the loading and unloading cargo in laizhou port many are oil.liquid chemical,crude salt and salty chemicals,ore,grain and chemical fertilizer and so on. the navigation channel of laizhou port is -12.6 meters in depth.the ships of 50,000 dwt with full loads may ride the tide to access the channel. the port is convenient and fast to collect and evacuate goods on transportation.there are distributing three high-grade approaching port roads from the east to the west on the south of the laizhou port,jointing with the wenshan line provincial road and 206th federal highway and connecting whith main higways such as weiwu highway,weilai highway,ji-qing highway in shandong province,which directly communicate with the economial hinterland.there are planning three railway lines in the port area,the entering branch of which joints with the da lailong railway and connects with national railway nets through the jiaoji line. laizhou port has 5 liquid chemicals berths and their total yearly traffic capacity is more than 13 million tons. three 50,000 ton liquid chemicals special-purpose berths,front water depth -14.1 meters,total lenghth of pier 285 meters.each berth equipped with three oil transfer arms of dn300,the design oil discharge ability amounts to 4800 m3/h the design oil pipelines is 18,which can load or unload the crude oil,the fuel oil,the asphalt,the refined oil and several dozen kinds of liquid chemical. the bi-directional oil pipelines from laizhou port to changyi&n