
港口名称 GDYNIA/格丁尼亚 港务局 Port of Gdynia Authority SA
港口代码 PLGDY 地址 Rotterdamska 9 PO BOX 225 Gdynia 81-337 Poland
港口缩写 GDY 电话 +48 58 627 40 02
港口类型 城市 ,驳船港Seaport 传真 +48 58 620 31 91
港口大小 Large 邮件
所在国家 波兰POLAND 网址 www.port.gdynia.pl
经纬度 54 ° 35'0"N,18 ° 34'0"E
时区 -1:00
锚地 港外锚地
泊位吃水 13
海图号 2377
FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:UP TO 4,500 TONS LIFTING CAPACITY     波兰商港。位于该国北部格但斯克湾西岸,距格但斯克16海里,有铁路、公路、水路相连,是第一次世界大战后波兰自己新建的海港。港区码头呈突堤式,在东岸有四座突堤东伸水域,外有南北向防波堤保护,在北部向西北伸展的水域南岸也有三座西南-东北走向突堤。全港30多个码头,码头线总长9100多米。其中最大吃水在8.5米以上的远洋船泊位7439米,它们是北港区希尔斯集装箱、滚装船码头(长800米,水深13米)南斯拉夫码头、罗马尼亚码头、印度码头、鹿特丹码头、波兰码头、芬兰码头等;东港区有法兰西码头、荷兰客运码头、丹麦滚装船码头、瑞典码头等。港口杂货集装箱装卸是在波兰居首。此外,还有谷物、煤、矿砂等散货。目前港口年吞吐量约1500万吨,居波兰各港第三位,有30多条定期班轮航线通向世界。   该港属温带大陆性气候,年平均气温最冷月约-5摄氏度,最热月约20摄氏度。严寒时有冰冻,但有破冰船协助,不影响航行。全年平均降雨量约700mm。无潮汐。本港有防波堤防护。      装卸设备有各种岸吊、可移式吊、集装箱吊、浮吊、抓斗吊、多用途吊、浮式卷扬机及滚装设施等,其中浮吊最大起重能力达300吨。集装箱码头是波兰第一个计算机化的码头,面积达40公顷,可同时堆放7000TEU。油码头最大可靠3.5万载重吨的油船。散、杂货码头有特殊货物仓库及露天堆场等。煤炭装卸效率每小时可装卸400吨。大船锚地水深达14m。该港每年入港船达2000余艘,其中70%为远洋船舶。有30余条定期班轮开往世界各地。主要出口货物为煤、生铁、木材、水泥、食品及杂货等,进口货物主要有铁纱、化肥、棉花、粮谷及液体货等。在节假日中,如果有正当理由并经批准,可安排加班,加班费为50%~100%。 
The Port of Gdynia is part of the Tricity urban area that includes Gdansk and Sopot. It lies on the shores of Gdansk Bay off the south coast of the Baltic Sea. Port History The area of Gdynia was the center of the Oksywie culture in prehistoric times. It was inhabited by Goths and later by Slavs. The Port of Gdynia was a fishing village in 1253. Nearby Oxhoft (now the Oksywie area of Gdynia) was the site of the first church in this part of the Baltic coast. In 1380, the village's owner gave it to the Cisterian order, making it the property of the abbey in Oliva. From the late 10th Century to the early 14th Century, it was part of the Pomerania province of Poland. Conquered by Teutonic knights in 1309 who held it until 1466 when it became part of Royal Prussia in the Polish Kingdom. When Poland was partitioned in 1772, the Port of Gdynia was annexed into Prussia. As late as 1789, there were just 21 houses in the village. The Port of Gdynia came under German rule when parts of Prussia fell within the German Empire from 1870 to 1920. Called Gdingen in 1870, about 1200 people lived there, and it was a prosperous tourist location. The Treaty of Versailles made Gdynia part of the new Republic of Poland and declared it a free city under the League of Nations. The Polish government decided to make Gdynia a major seaport in 1920, but construction was slow due to financial constraints. The Polish parliament provided funding and, by 1923, a small port was founded. By late 1925, the Port of Gdynia had a harbor with north and south piers and a railway. Increased exports from Poland, economic growth, and a trade war with Germany further accelerated port construction. Port Commerce By 1929, almost 3 million tons of cargo passed through the Port of Gdynia, and Gdynia was Poland's only seaport for the export of coal. Further expanded during the 1930s, the Port of Gdynia became the busiest seaport on the Baltic, and cargo traffic made up 46% of Poland's foreign trade. The City of Gdynia was built after the seaport. A 1925 committee was formed to build the city and, by 1939, 120 thousand people called it home. German troops occupied Gdynia in 1939, and the harbor became a primary German naval base. Most of their larger ships were berthed there. They also established a Nazi concentration camp near the city. As they withdrew in 1945, German troops destroyed 90% of the seaport and blocked the entrance to the harbor by sinking a battlecruiser. The Port of Gdynia was a major evacuation point for German troops escaping the Red Army, and Russia captured Gdynia in 1945. The Port of Gdynia was rebuilt after World War II. Today, the Port of Gdynia is the passenger port for the Tricity urban area and home to the Polish navy. In 2007, over 17 million metric tons of cargo passed through the port, including 10.3 million tons of general cargo and 614 thousand TEUs of containerized cargo. The port contains almost 3 kilometers of quays with depths of 8 to 13 meters and almost 80 thousand square meters of warehouse and open storage space. The Baltic General Cargo Terminal Gdynia operates duty-free warehouses and a dedicated roll-on/roll-of area with three modern ramps. Cruising and Travel One of Poland's youngest cities, the City of Gdynia is a popular tourist destination. Together with nearby resort town, Sopot, the Tricity is the most prosperous urban area in Poland. The Port of Gdynia is noted for its 1920s and 1930s architecture, fascinating museums, and a popular aquarium. It boasts the Kepa Redlowska nature preserve, a lively nightlife, and many fine restaurants. Gdynia is also home to the annual Polish Feature Film Festival and Summery Jazz Days. The city has five beautiful beac