
港口名称 SOUTHAMPTON/南安普顿 港务局 Associated British Ports
港口代码 GBSSK 地址 Ocean Gate Atlantic Way Southampton SO14 3QN United Kingdom
港口缩写 SOU 电话 023 8048 8800
港口类型 Seaport 传真 023 8033 6402
港口大小 Large 邮件 dmorrison@abports.co.uk
所在国家 UNITED KINGDOM 网址 www.abports.co.uk/custinfo/ports/soton.htm
经纬度 50 ° 54'0"N,1 ° 26'0"W
时区 0:00
锚地 50-37-48N 01-39-00W
泊位吃水 14.9
海图号 2041
FUEL:ALL GRADES DRY DOCKS:1,141.00 FT LONG OVERALL, 132.50 FT WIDE AND 34.00 FT OVER THE BLOCKS      英国南部大商港。位于英吉利海峡北岸中段、特斯特峡湾内,湾口外有怀特岛阻挡风浪,南临英吉利海峡。距勒阿弗尔港109海里,距直布罗陀1180海里,距提尔伯里港193海里。是与南美东岸、西北非、地中海沿岸国家等海上客货进出英国的主要港口,自由港。港区主要分布在伊钦河口以北的特斯特峡湾东北岸,分东西港区和集装箱港区。东港区在伊钦河与特斯特河交汇处,由突堤和港池组成,有伊丽莎白二世码头。城镇突堤码头,远洋港池,帝国港池、亚历山大港池等。沿边共有50多个泊位,码头线总长6300多米,水深4.1-11.7米,其中大部分较浅,仅伊钦码头的31-36号泊位、伊丽莎白二世码头的38-40号泊位水深在9米以上。西港区在东港区之西北,有9个顺岸泊位,码头总长2263米,水深10.2-11.7米,为冷藏,谷物、滚装船码头。集装箱区在西港区西北,为一折角型码头,有5个泊位,泊位线总长1480米,水深10.2-12.8米。此外,还有下游入港航道两侧的油轮港区,对岸是埃索炼油厂码头,有9个泊位,其中5个是水深9.6米-14.9米的远洋泊位,其它沿海船泊位仅5.6米;在左岸有3个英国石油公司泊位,其中二个是主要泊位,一个沿海小泊位。全港有泊位70多个,港口年货物吞吐2600万吨以上,集装箱装卸30多万标准箱;旅客上下230多万,是英国最大客运港。          该港属温带海洋性气候,盛行南风。温和湿润,多阴雨云雾,冬季尤甚。年平均气温约10~20摄氏度左右。全年平均降雨量约900mm。平均潮差:大汛高潮4.5m,小潮低潮为2m。      装卸设备有各种岸吊、可移式吊、集装箱吊、浮吊、滚装设施等。集装箱吊最大起重能力为40吨,浮吊为100吨,干船坞吊为51吨。FAWLEY油码头最大可靠10万载重吨的油船。谷物仓库有17座,容量有3.6万吨,其中13个仓库有充气设备。谷物用卡车送到仓库,由4台每小时1100吨的卸货机。最近,一座新的水果专用码头正式开业,拥有占地约1万平方米的温度调节仓库。本港大船锚地水深达23m。主要出口货物为机器、摩托车、精练油及杂货等,进口货物主要有谷物、木材、原油、水果、酒、羊毛、兽皮、肉等。
The Port of Southampton is located near the Isle of Wight on a peninsula between the Itchen and Test River estuaries in south central England. It's just northwest of the Port of Le Havre in France. Port History Archeologists have found evidence of prehistoric settlement all over the Port of Southampton, the earliest finds being those of Old Stone Age tools over 70 thousand years old. A Middle Stone Age site was found there in the 1990s, and New Stone Age pottery is also plentiful. In the 19th Century, Bronze Age objects found in a cemetery were so abundant that gravediggers sold artifacts to local historians. Iron Age earthworks, a possible salt production site, and pottery have been found in the area as well. Traces of buildings and artifacts from the Iron Age have been found near the city center. A Roman settlement, Clausentum, was there in 43 AD. Viking King Canute may have defeated the Anglo-Saxon King Ethelred the Unready here in 1014. Archeologists have found a rich collection of Saxon artifacts here. Before 1086, the Saxon settlement, Hamtun, was a royal borough. King Henry II granted a town charter in the middle 12th Century. The town was incorporated in 1445, and King Henry VI made it a county in 1447. In 1640, Charles I granted a charter that was effective until 1835. By the 10th Century, the Port of Southampton was a major English port, and exported wool and hides and imported wine from Bordeaux. It was the Plantagenet kings?chief link to their lands in France. In the 1415, just before Henry V left from the Port of Southampton to fight the Battle of Agincourt, leaders of the �outhampton Plot?were executed for treason outside the city's Bargate. Today, several medieval buildings still stand: St. Michael's Church (11th Century), King John's Palace (12th Century), and parts of the old city walls. The Port of Southampton declined in the 17th and 18th Centuries, but the arrival of railways brought a revival. Most luxury liners of the early 20th Century departed from the Port of Southampton. The doomed RMS Titanic sailed from the port in 1912. The docks were rebuilt in 1838, and the Port of Southampton gained the epithet �he Gateway to the Empire.?In 1840, the London-Southampton railway linked the Port of Southampton's docks to London. The Port of Southampton's large harbor and lasting high-water tides (caused by the Isle of Wight) made it a convenient and important trade center. The city center suffered much damage during World War II. Local maps were used by the German Luftwaffe to bomb the city. Southampton's oldest building, St. Michaels Church, survived. Construction began in 1070, and many additions had been made. But its central tower, dating from Norman times, was used by German pilots to navigate. Port Commerce By 1980, the Port of Southampton was England's second biggest port. The port's older industries of shipbuilding and repair, tobacco processing, and grain milling were joined by new manufacturing (automobiles, aircraft, petrochemicals, cables, and electrical engineering products). Today, the Port of Southampton is the main car-handling port, and it contains England's second biggest container terminal. The container facility accounts for almost half of United Kingdom-Far East trade. Cargoes moving through the port include minerals, animal feeds, agribulk, sand aggregates, and marble chips. The Port of Southampton is the only British port importing Canary Islands produce, and the Canary Islands Fruit Terminal handles fresh tomatoes, avocadoes, peppers, and cucumbers. The Port of Southampton is the capital of England's cruise industry, with over cruise 280 ship movements in a year. It's both P&O Cruises?and Carnival Line's base in England. Many other cruise companies call regularly at the port, including Royal Caribbean, Saga Holidays, Fred Olsen Cruise Line, and Thomson Cruis